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Thread: When ya think ya heard it all

  1. Default When ya think ya heard it all

    As we get on in age somewhat , with the sex change , queer movement , and other left wing lifestyles we start thinking we have about heard it all .
    As the old saying goes , you never get to old to learn about something new . Was on the way home yesterday listening to the radio and they were talking about bordello's . Then they said something about this woman running one with dolls . I'm thinking , what ? Well I looked it up and sure enough there are more idiots added to the dumbass stew .

    Them damned robots are gonna put every body out of work LOL . Kenneth

  2. #2


    1,800 GBP investment. 70 GBP a dozen times a day return. Initial investment is covered on the third day! While it looks to be a very profitable business, I do have to wonder about the clients. Sloppy seconds is bad enough, but on someone elses hunk of plastic? SICK. Do the wives waiting in the car think hubby is guaranteed not to walk out with someone elses STD?
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Durand. MI.


    I worked with and was friends with two guys, both unmarried, close drinking buddys. At one point they rented a 2 bedroom house and split expenses. Both were always picking up women and bringing them home, not always together. At one point G. picked up a gal in a bar and R. left first and got home and put a blow up doll in G's. bed. G. brought the gal home but I guess that was the end of that 'date'!
    You can never go home again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    London, Ontario


    "...with dolls..." Old news. Phil McGraw babbled about it on his infomercial, years ago.
    Spelling and grammar count!

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