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Thread: American Flag

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    Quote Originally Posted by JB White View Post
    Really? Don't try to justify it. If any of us did something on that order to make our employers look bad we'd be out the door. The NFL isn't the only "melting pot" out there. This all started with one opinion based on revisionist history, misinformation, and racism. Now it's a trend and a very offensive one at that.
    Don't feed the trolls.

  2. #32


    I can think of a hell of a lot of occupations that are a lot more dangerous than playing a kids game with a ball and they pay a hell of a lot less. The lowly buck private or squid or fisherman have a lot more balls than these pampered brats. They get paid enough money, if the USA is so bad and racist they can get on a plane and move back to Africa,no one is stopping them. They can start their own league and be highly respected by their new country men, as long they're of the right tribe and they don't get thrown in prison or beheaded. But at least it would be by their own kind and no racism would be involved. I gave up watching these idiots 40 years ago and baseball after they went on strike. If you want to enjoy a ball game go to a high school game as these kids are actually trying before they get dainted.

  3. #33
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    It's time to vote with your feet and wallet. Find something else to do on Sunday.

    My grandkids played in their HS marching band and we never missed a Friday night home game in six years. The kids playing football at that level were surprisingly good and great fun to watch.

  4. #34
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    Locking arms is also a sign of protest. They are showing unity in the face of the comments by the President. They are not locking arms out of respect to the National Anthem but locking arms to show their support for each other in defiance to the Presidents comments.
    To Error Is Human To Forgive Is Not SAC Policy

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by swampyankee View Post
    They get paid enough money, if the USA is so bad and racist they can get on a plane and move back to Africa,no one is stopping them...
    Not necessary to go there, though English is the common language in several countries, because anybody with a US passport and a million $ in the bank is a "citizen of the world," welcomed everywhere. In Europe, especially, they'd be lionized as Trump-haters, with a bounty of beautiful bimbos lining up to partake of their services.

    SO glad Trump called them SOBs (though I wish he'd said "ungrateful SOBs"), as that has REALLY stirred up the left-wing!

  6. #36
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    What I wish he'd do is call on them to acknowledge and support and be a father to their out-of-wedlock children.

  7. #37
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    Do something different Sunday afternoon; take a kid fishing or take them shooting

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Southern Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by Vern Humphrey View Post
    What I wish he'd do is call on them to acknowledge and support and be a father to their out-of-wedlock children.
    Wouldn't their rap sheets be interesting!

  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by m1ashooter View Post
    Locking arms is also a sign of protest. They are showing unity in the face of the comments by the President. They are not locking arms out of respect to the National Anthem but locking arms to show their support for each other in defiance to the Presidents comments.
    That's where I was going with one of my previous posts. Wasn't sure at the time whether it was a display of respect or a unified protest. The press was very careful and the initial comments were vague.
    Don't think I'll be sending them a 'thank you' note anytime soon.
    2016 Chicago Cubs. MLB Champions!

    **Never quite as old as the other old farts**

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Given the costs of taking a family to see a nfl game, would have to think that it's not a matter for blue collar families to consider. The ones who will have to stop funding these teams are the people who can blow such money on entertainers such as nfl players. Of course a lot of the income for the teams is beyond ticket sales. If and when corporations stop pouring in the cash, then the teams will feel the pinch in their checking account. For my part, stopped following football back about 1982. Don't know why. Just did. Have not ever felt I was missing anything. Now ... sure of it. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

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