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  1. #1

    Default The Silence on this forum is Deafening RE: Ken Burns' VIETNAM

    I imagine the vast majority here either served in Vietnam or served during Vietmam. Seems like nobody wants to comment. Most of the Veterans I have talked to are at best lukewarm about it. I must admit the piece I saw on our local PBS station was not reassuring. Burns described the shooting of that VC who had just killed a family as an "Assassination." That said so far I have found episodes 1 and 2 informative. I was in 7th grade when JFK was assassinated and took part in the Vietnam and Cambodian evac ops as a navy dentist with 1st Bn 4th Marines. I was 25...IMG_0649.jpg I had 7 years of Army ROTC and had been run through a lot of training about Vietnam and had really thought I had missed it.

    There are many people better qualified than myself to offer an opinion on this series. What are your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    This series is a little left of center as Burns is a National Socialist. That VC that was executed was not shot in the usual sense. As the Chief of Police who shot him said, 'Buddha" will understand. Killing is never pleasant unless you are a sociopath, it is often necessary! Personally the VC got off easy considered what the Oriental mind is capable of.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Have responded to other threads on this topic. Have not had much interest in Burns work since The Civil War. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Blog Entries


    It's been good so far, but I don't have political slant obscuring and inhibiting my appreciation of objective historical facts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Oceanside, Ca


    Not interested in what the left has to don't watch.
    "No man's life, liberty, or property is safe, while Congress is in session." Mark Twain

  6. Default

    Never having owned a television, I couldn't watch. I like to point out, when I was around a t.v., I never went channel surfing to find "The Apprentice" either.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Shapiro View Post
    Not interested in what the left has to don't watch.
    Can't "allow" for the left-wing bias? Then you must isolate yourself from all media (except crackpots like Rush), because it's pervasive. Recognize & dismiss it, but at the same time glean whatever valid info is presented--such as the personal perspectives of Vietnamese North & South. The incredible incompetence of the successive S. Vietnamese huntas, compared to the absolute commitment & dedication of the North, is no creation, sadly, of left-wing slant.

    Hardest thing for me to watch is the anti-war demonstrators--my fantasy is using a flame-thrower on them.

  8. #8


    Coincidentally, I am reading The Gun by C.J. Chivers. With some background on the Gatlin and Maxim in the beginning, it delves into the development of the AK-47 and type 56. Then elaborates on the debacle that was the introduction of the M-16. The problems that the rifle had were covered up in a determined way. From the top down everyone that benefited politically or monetarily joined the secret society that outright denied the rifles had problems and covered up anything to the contrary.
    If I should die before I wake...great,a little more sleep.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by dryheat View Post
    Coincidentally, I am reading The Gun by C.J. Chivers. With some background on the Gatlin and Maxim in the beginning, it delves into the development of the AK-47 and type 56. Then elaborates on the debacle that was the introduction of the M-16. The problems that the rifle had were covered up in a determined way. From the top down everyone that benefited politically or monetarily joined the secret society that outright denied the rifles had problems and covered up anything to the contrary.
    I think it's an interesting book. As for his suggestion we would have been better off having an AK copy that seems a bit far fetched but he is probably right. The M-14 would have been a great rifle in the desert or in Europe, but I think he is right about it being too heavy and clumsy for Vietnam.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    North Carolina


    The first three episodes have been mostly factual. The military has been portrayed as foolish boobs, forgetting, (or avoiding) the fact that we were under orders. The murder of Col. Dewey in 1945 was attributed to the Viet Minh, when it has been established that the Brits killed him on purpose. The idea that the war was unwinnable is reinforced every few minutes. The fact that Johnson fractured our effort and piece-mealed our forces, preventing the defeat of the North Vietnamese is politely skirted. I expect the whole series to turn out as cover for the perfidy and treason of the dems in power at the time, and Teddy. Regards, Clark

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