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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Aberdeen, Maryland

    Default Woman Run Over Purse Snacher

    I saw this on the evening news and Inside Edition. A man snatches a woman's purse from her. She jumps in her car and chases the man until running her vehicle into him knocking he down.

    The man gets charged with larceny among other charges. The woman, well, she gets charged with misdemeanor assault with a deadly weapon.

    The woman said the man deserves getting run down because it just isn't fair what he did to her.

    The man wasn't seriously hurt. Should the woman have been charged? The police say the woman should have called the police and not have taken matters into her own hands.

    I say the perp got what he deserved.

  2. #2
    leftyo Guest


    i say give her an award!

  3. #3


    I would give the lady a flower bouquet and a nite on the town. She needs a lawyer.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Oceanside, Ca


    Actually I was surprised she was only charged with a misdemeanor. I have no doubt the crook will sue her in Civil court. If she gets a smart attorney, he'll arrange her court appearances when she's at 8 1/2 months. Won't be a jury in the world that would convict her.
    "No man's life, liberty, or property is safe, while Congress is in session." Mark Twain

  5. #5


    I've see the video on the news as it happened here in NH. Hard to believe he wasn't seriously hurt-she really ran him over. He got what he deserved.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    The man wasn't seriously hurt. Should the woman have been charged? The police say the woman should have called the police and not have taken matters into her own hands.
    Yeah she could have called the police 10 times and they would have came out next Thursday and took the report which would be filed in the circular file. They wouldn't do anything about it and her purse would be long gone. What she did was exactly what she should have done.

    I once had an employee. He had worked for me for about a month and was a so, so, worker. He showed up every day and was great at fixing stuff. One day I purchased a ton or more car batteries for recycling, from a guy in the next county. I gave the employee the keys to my dually wheeled Dodge pickup, and $500 in cash to pay for the purchase. The employee stole the truck, and the money. He never picked the batteries up, he took the money to buy drugs, and wrecked my truck. I called the cops... They came out and asked me a strange question... "Did you personally hand him the money?" Well, "Yes I did."

    End of story, no charges on him. No recourse for me... And that is law enforcement today. Our country is sick and needs a transfusion of common sense.
    Last edited by RED; 06-30-2017 at 03:39.

  7. Default

    It's NYC-you expect common sense or rationality from them ?

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by RED View Post
    Yeah she could have called the police 10 times and they would have came out next Thursday and took the report which would be filed in the circular file. They wouldn't do anything about it and her purse would be long gone. What she did was exactly what she should have done.

    I once had an employee. He had worked for me for about a month and was a so, so, worker. He showed up every day and was great at fixing stuff. One day I purchased a ton or more car batteries for recycling, from a guy in the next county. I gave the employee the keys to my dually wheeled Dodge pickup, and $500 in cash to pay for the purchase. The employee stole the truck, and the money. He never picked the batteries up, he took the money to buy drugs, and wrecked my truck. I called the cops... They came out and asked me a strange question... "Did you personally hand him the money?" Well, "Yes I did."

    End of story, no charges on him. No recourse for me... And that is law enforcement today. Our country is sick and needs a transfusion of common sense.
    I'm retired. I have never heard of such a thing as what you have posted, " End of story, no charge to him." Two felonies you have described. Theft by employee and theft of motor vehicle.

    Kudos to the lady who ran over the purse snatcher. Well deserved. I will contribute money for her defense.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    It is not the cops but the prosecutor who see's someone to go after for something, keeping a good statistic going for re-election.

  10. #10


    In Texas I would think she would have been ok.

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