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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA


    Quote Originally Posted by Hefights View Post
    Very interesting thread, continues to inform and entertain.
    Stay safe by being informed.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Pittsburgh, PA


    Here is a video that points out the dangers of adding cold lead to molten lead. This guy seems to know what he is doing and is video taping himself melting a large quantity of lead. It looks like he has some sort of a backyard business going. Watch what happens when he adds a cold piece of hollow lead pipe to a molten pot of lead. CAUTION - coarse language. Air may have been trapped inside the hollow of the pipe and possibly combined with some moisture to produce the explosion. The reaction is instantaneous. Obviously, this guy has added cold lead to molten lead many times without any explosions. You just never know when the conditions are right for one to occur.
    Last edited by Merc; 09-15-2016 at 09:42.

  3. Default

    I watched the video of the exploding lead pot. What happened was when the guy placed the lead pipe in the molten lead pot sideways, the lead rushed into both ends of the pipe plugging the two ends. The air inside the pipe expanded from the heat and blew the molten lead out of the pipe and throwing lead out of the pot.

    - - - Updated - - -

    By the way. What is the common advice for avoiding lead fumes while using an electric pot indoors? Should there be a hood with and evacuation fan? Is there a danger? I've always done it outside on my BBQ. Made a pot with nozzles to make #8 lead shot. Worked really well. I had 40 lbs. of lead and time on my hands. I learned quite a bit.
    Fred Pillot
    San Jose Zouaves

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Another thing that is surprising is the lead paint BS! Poor ghetto babies getting lead poisoning from eating paint chips or sucking on window sills or baseboards. This is simply the biggest conspiracy the government has pushed down our throats. An entire industry changing the composition of their product because little babies are sucking on paint. The ignorance of this statement is palpable. Fact is ... lead poisoning of this type was and remains a problem. Happily because of regulations in place, much of the risk is greatly reduced. Removing lead from gasoline was one of the main reasons lead levels dropped in adults and children. Removal of lead from paint has been nothing but a net positive good for everyone concerned. Old lead paint in buildings remains a real problem, a risk to one and all. Anyone at all involved in renovation ... it is a concern. You come home with the dust on your shoes/cloths. Your children get exposed to it. You got problems. The sooner that all lead residue can be removed from all older homes the better.

    The last lead smelter in the US is now closed? Heard about that. Also understand that the results for anyone living down wind of such smelters was very much bad. Did the owners of the sweltering operation pay for the health issues, etc.? Very much doubt it. Will lead now cost more? Yes. Just like everything else. We will not be able to get free lead from local service stations,etc. But, fact is there are not many local service stations left any more. They went away ... just like so much else went away ... because they were not as cheap as the local convenience store. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

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