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  1. Default Anyone notice Brad Pitt's S&W 1917 .45 in Fury?

    The movie had extraordinary detail. Pitt's character carried a beat-up S&W 1917 .45. The grips had been replaced with plexiglas and had a photo of a pinup or girlfriend under them. That was common. US Army Air Corps mechanics would take broken aircraft windshields (there were plenty), manufacture custom grips from them, and sell or trade them to the GI's. I saw some made for captured Lugers.

  2. #2


    I've only seen that style of grip on a 1911/1911A1. I could imagine getting away with that on a Victory model S&W 38, but on a 1917?
    Wouldn't you have to stack layers of plexiglass in order to get a thick enough grip?
    ...I suppose an alternative would be to have a thin-butted pistol, but that would be awkward to shoot, I would think.

  3. Default

    Here is a pair of Sweetheart Revolver grips. They are made from two pieces of plexiglass.

  4. #4


    Thank you!!!
    Great piece!

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