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Thread: UPS trashed my 520-30

  1. #11


    Let UPS know this is unrepairable,and this is a serial numbered stock to the gun.
    Not any other stock would be correct.
    Good luck.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    socialist republic of New England


    I informed them about ser#'s. I made my case to them.
    Last edited by ww2imposter; 11-15-2014 at 01:24.

  3. Default

    In my experience UPS does not make partial settlements. They will require you to prove the value of the gun, then they will take the gun as salvage and give you the full value.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    socialist republic of New England


    If that is the case then I'll probably keep the gun.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    South NJ


    Depends on the amount of insurance purchased.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    socialist republic of New England


    UPS sent the shipper a response to the claim that, in a nut shell, they (UPS) were not the cause or responsible for the damage. Case closed.
    So be it, lesson learned.
    In the mean time I have been messing around with the pieces and this is the result;

    Last edited by ww2imposter; 11-22-2014 at 10:53.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    South NJ


    Doesn't look bad.

  8. Default

    You did wonders with that. Doesn't look too bad at all!

  9. Default

    It is pretty easy to find correct vintage buttplates at gunshows. I bought three and will use one to replace a busted one on an original 520-30 trench gun and another on my faux 520-30. So I may have a spare soon, if interested. Might take some new holes for screws and matching wood and buttplate contours, but the stock is a resto job anway.

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by ww2imposter View Post
    The shop this came out of, is as upset as I am. They have taken the lead here in getting this resolved with UPS. A claim has been filed. Now its wait and see. The SG was very well packaged. It just took one hell of a hit in the wrong spot. I found most of the wood except for one piece. I have to wait for the UPS inspector before I tear the box apart. I 've seen the butt plates on e-pay. They are repro's. I am going to try (for a while) to locate an original. Thanks.
    I'll take a moment and tell you my tale of woe as it relates to UPS vs. firearms.......
    In the past several years, I've shipped a few firearms to a friend in Michigan, or rather, to his FFL holder. I prefer to send via FedEx, but, on two occasions, I had to leave the packages at a shop in town, and they shipped two freshly finished rifle stocks out for me, and they used "Big Brown". Between Idaho and Michigan, someone had left a big boot print almost directly over the wrist of each stock, that is, on the outside of the package. Both stocks broken cleanly through the wrist when opened, neither one repairable. Claims filed, as both were insured when shipped. Both claims denied. Both denials appealed, both claims again denied.
    At the same time, I had to use UPS many times at work to ship items to and from my location at Hill AFB to units around the globe. Not long after Katrina hit, I had priority 2 requisitions made from the "storm hunter" outfit flying out of Keesler AFB, MS. The warehouse at Hill shipped the items out within minutes, via UPS. Several days later, I get emails, and phone calls from the good folks at Keesler wondering where their parts are. A call to UPS, and those folks told me that they had no idea where on earth those packages were, and couldn't help me out.....I shipped the only remaining assets on the planet that I had on hand out, and specified Fed Ex overnight. Now understand that this is within the first couple of days after the storm. Roads are closed, no utilities, no fuel, pretty much a war zone. Fed Ex DELIVERED the next morning with not a mark on the MILSATCOM uplinks that were installed on their C-130 aircraft. After six freaking weeks, UPS finally calls, and says they located the missing packages. $20,000+ worth of communications equipment had been left out on a dock in Georgia, where the packaging had deteriorated after being torn open, and the components were full of sand, water, and "critters", completely worthless and had to be repaired. Again. After all is said and done, UPS denied the claims the Gov't filed over the loss..........
    Sorry to say, but I wouldn't look forward to being reimbursed in any fashion for your damages and loss. It just is not likely to happen.
    And people will continue to ship via UPS.

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