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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Houston, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by madsenshooter View Post
    I know someone will stand up and say I'm racist. But, I think what would help the VA most is to get some staff that doesn't speak with a foreign accent. Most of the Drs are people who couldn't maintain a practice outside of the VA. Their decision making skills are not up to the task, and a poor decision can cost a life. I know, they about cost me mine.
    Been to any non V.A. civilian docs?? Its the same only much better care because it isn't "single payer." American kids are too fat, lazy and entitled to go to medical school, hell, that's too much like work, too little fun and takes too long with way too long a wait to get any money. Foreigners have taken up the slack and not just at the V.A.

    My personal experience with doctors, nurses, ect. is that ethnicity doesn't mean much but venue does. The Houston Medical Center is one of the finest complexes in the World and it looks like the U.N. dumped it's staff there. I now help support a family doctor (white gal from New York,) a cardiologist (Chinese man,) a surgeon (Latino male,) a gastro interologist (Arab male,) a urologist (plain vanilla white American guy,) and a Dermatologist and an Opthamologist (nice Jewish girl and boy,) and an endocrinologist (another Chinese fellow) Sounds like the United Nations all over. Every doc I go to is top of the line and if they aren't I fire them. You don't get to do that with the V.A. It's about venue.

    After my experience with those quacks I delt with in the Army I'd never go to the V.A. as long as I have another option. Its the 'gubmint. These people have a "birds nest on the ground" and that goes all the way to the top.

    .....and I do understand that the quality of V.A. care varies a lot depending on where you are.
    Last edited by Art; 07-09-2014 at 02:28.

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