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Thread: My buddy...Special Forces in Vietnam

  1. #1

    Default My buddy...Special Forces in Vietnam

    Before my son was born, I used to race know, road-racing. One of my fellow teammates was prior army and a Vietnam vet. I worked with his wife and it wasn't until she brought a cigar box full of ribbons and medals to work to have made into a shadow box, did I realize that he was a vet.
    One day, I decided to ask him about his time in. He told me he was in the infantry at first, but after 3 months in Vietnam, he figured out that they did not know what they were doing and they were going to get him killed. He wanted out of that outfit and asked for a transfer. They told him the only way out was to get wounded, killed or go Special Forces. He decided to go for Special Forces.
    He went back to the states and became a Ranger. He went back to Vietnam as a Ranger and finished his tour. He told me about a couple things. He was wounded twice. Second time was his ticket home. He told me of some pretty hair-raising experiences that he and his buddies endured.
    Well, today I was surfing the net and decided to Google his name. Bam... There he was. He was with I Co. (Rangers) 75th Infantry, Ist ID. And it gets better... He's mentioned (a few times) in a book titled, "Phantom Warriors: Book 2 More Extraordinary True Combat Stories from LRRPS, LRPS and Rangers in Vietnam" It's avaiable from Amazon Books.
    I am SOOOO getting this book! He told me these things back in the early 90's. The book was published in 2001. I can't wait to read it. He's always been one of my heros, now I get to read about it.

  2. #2


    As posted in the other forum-your buddy was a Ranger.
    He was not "Special Forces."
    The Rangers are light infantry with some specialized training and assets.
    Special Forces wore Green Berets and still do.
    The term SF has been watered down and bastardised to encompass a concept known as SOCOM.
    "Special operations command."
    It was a long hard school and easy to fail. Once in group those standards persisited-they had to by the nature of the mission.
    Some of us who endured that are touchy about it.

  3. #3


    Mike, point taken. He was a Ranger. I guess, I too am guilty of using it! Mike

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    If I remember my American history, didn't the Ranger's predate the U.S. Army?

  5. #5


    I've ordered both books 1 and 2 from Amazon. Can't wait! Mike

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    the thumb of michigan


    i used to shoot with a guy whos dad was in the Army and was a Green Beret...

    he used to say "i was a hat"...

  7. #7
    lonewoolf Guest


    Last month I met up with an old Navy buddy that I had not seen since my discharge on 11-28-69. At the time we were both in HC-2, having served in that squadron for about two years. Prior to HC-2, I was in VA-43 and my buddy was in HA(L)3. We were great friends for the two years in the late 60's, and absolutely nothing was ever made of his prior unit. Since seeing him in June, I have researched HA(L)3 and came to learn of its great history in Vietnam. I also learned last month that he was awarded the silver star in January 1970, something he never mentioned during our entire friendship, probably because he did not realize it was forthcoming. I came away feeling honored to be a friend of this regular guy that never once made a big deal of his accomplishments.

  8. #8


    My buddy has already told me that once I read the book(s), he wants to sit down and talk to me about them and his experiences. I told him that I would love to do that. Mike

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