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  1. Default

    Richard, THANK YOU for adding to the Spokane Airport story - I'd forgotten the "No thank you, I'll stand" part!

    Damn. I REALLY wish he'd written that one down. For those who never heard it, it was basically a back and forth between Dick and the security guard, just like that, with the guard trying to show his authority with every statement and Dick effortlessly slicing and dicing him with each reply. Truly hysterical. That poor guy was so outgunned he never stood a chance! :O

    And da gimp, this is for you - best pic of somebody smoking a cigar I could find

    I'm sure that if Clint had known Major Culver he'd be saying something about like that.
    Last edited by Jefferson Adams; 03-01-2014 at 07:41.

  2. Default

    I only knew the Major through the emails we sent each other over the years. The USMC was a common bond between us as well as the enjoyment of a nice 03. I passed the notice of his passing to my neighbor and good friend, who was a fellow Rat, here is what he sent me.
    "He wa a First Classman when I was a Rat. Didn't know him well, but he was a nice guy. He was famous for throwing large firecrackers in the courtyard after taps!"

    I can hear them going off! Rest in Peace Sir, your service has left the world a better place.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Poplar Bluff, MO


    I have to agree with JBWhite. It was so nice of the Culvers to open their doors here to us. I never met the Major personally, but I also love his sea stories. Thanks to both of you.
    I don't know if the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or imbeciles who mean it.-Mark Twain

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    East Tennessee


    Dick and Glorias website has been a source of expert opinion for thousands involved in our hobby. Thank you.

    We all know who guards the Gates of Heaven, the U.S.M.C.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Deep in the Ozarks


    Good bye for a while, Dick. I'll meet you in the American Sector in Valhalla at the Bob Hope show.

    Major Vern Humphrey

  6. Default

    Back in early 2005, I called Dick and Gloria to see if they were interested in meeting us at the Big Reno Gun Show in April of that year. They said they would plan on it, and they would see if they could get the CMP to come as well, (which they did). Messages was posted on the forum and we made it a big CSP get together, for a meet and greet.

    Gloria called me later and said it was the same month as Dick's Birthday (69th), and could we help plan a surprise party at the hotel. So me and Camille (my better half affectionately known as Melebug), said we would help in reserving a conference room at the Hilton. Everything went off without a hitch, Dick had no idea what he was in for, I believe the party was on Saturday night. I don't know how many forum members from CSP showed up, but I know we had 50 or better. Mike Ginger was in charge as the MC and the surprise party quickly turned into a roast, and Dick was the main dish.

    Dick brought his M1903 W/Pedersen Device, and Gloria and Camille had fun trolling at the show. Gloria would pass by unsuspecting collectors and table holders and give then some story about how she inherited this old rifle from her grandfather and didn't know if it was worth anything or not. Upon returning to our tables, it looked like Gloria was the Pied Piper, with a bunch of dealers in tow, trying to buy the M1903 and Pedersen Device for pennies on the dollar.

    Here are some photos of the party and roast. I don't know why I only have one of Dick wearing the kids plastic helmet, albeit from the rear, but if I can't find a better one, I know Gloria probably has one.

    Edit: See PhillipM's post below for photos. (Thanks! Phillip)

    Well, apparently I have forgot how to upload photos to CSP without one having to click on a Photobucket link. Any instruction would be greatly appreciated.

    Last edited by Richard Turner/Turner Saddlery; 05-30-2014 at 04:44. Reason: Adding Photos: Moved Album

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Jackson, Mississippi
    Blog Entries


    Richard, Top left row of icons above the reply window, third icon from the right is a mini portrait. Go to your photobucket and look at the sharing options on the right and click "Direct" Next click the portrait icon and when the dialoge box appears right click in the text window and select "Paste"

    Phillip McGregor (OFC)
    "I am neither a fire arms nor a ballistics expert, but I was a combat infantry officer in the Great War, and I absolutely know that the bullet from an infantry rifle has to be able to shoot through things." General Douglas MacArthur

  8. Default


    Thanks for posting the photos for me and the tutorial.

    I despise computers, hate them actually. The wife tells all her friends, that I have dog cussed computers ever since we had to learn how to use them at CID @ CamPen, 1988 time frame.
    They took away our Remington Selectrics and installed these huge computers, about three times the size of a Mermite can on the deck by our desk. We were told if we didn't like it, go find a typewriter.

    Since I had contacts at DRMO, we found out when the Remingtons were coming up for auction. Several of us showed up at the Thursday auction, bid a grand total of $20 and bought the d@mn things back. When we put the things back in our respective offices, we gained the ire of the Gunner and MasterGuns, whom thought after the things having been gone for about two weeks, they mysteriously showed back up, albeit now sporting a large personal property tag.

    Semper Fi,


  9. Default

    Never met Dick or Gloria , but i can tell by the post of those who did , it was a treat to know them . I do appreciate the site they created here and reading and learning provided by it . Thank you , Kenneth

  10. Default

    Richard, great photos - that first one of Dick with the big grin, cigar in one hand and knife in the other, is pure, unadulterated Dick Culver! I'll always remember him with that mischievous, hand-in-the-cookie-jar grin!

    For those who never had a chance to meet him in person, THAT is Pure Essence of Culver!!

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