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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Colo. Spgs., Colorado


    Big All is absolutely correct. I tried to do a disability claim for hearing and got nowhere. I then was told that I would have MUCH better luck by going with the El Paso County VSO. The nice gentleman there told me that unluss you understand the system intimatly, the claim is going nowhere. I have now been tested and am waiting for the paperwork. Still no hearing aids but things are at least moving. The ball is in the VA's court.
    "A generation which ignores history has no past and no future." - Jean Boden

    "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."
    -- Robert Frost

  2. #22


    Bill, it took two months to get the appointment with the audiologist. The VA farmed the hearing test out to a local, civilian place, who did the test and sent the results in for approval (severe hearing loss, according to the audiologist). Three more weeks went by before I learned I was approved, now they are being made for me. My appointment for fitting required another three week wait.
    After June 4th, I should be able to hear the birds sing for the first time since Nam. I'm excited!
    Note: This was the process for hearing aids WITHOUT filing a disability claim. That would take a lot longer.
    The VA did not have to approve me, they could have turned me down since I can not prove service connection.
    Last edited by Big_Al; 05-23-2012 at 05:57.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Colo. Spgs., Colorado


    I'd say you were very fortunate in your dealing with them. The VSO told me that I needed to go the disability route after they had turned me down for just asking for aids even with documentation that I had hearing loss. I was sent out to Fort Carson for my hearing test. Fort Carson (and I suppose the entire VA system) is pretty busy now with folks coming back from Afghanistan. I had the hearing test about two months ago. The lady administering the test told me I needed aids and that was before she put me in the booth.

    Guess I'll just have to wait. Glad you are having better luck.

    Bill D
    "A generation which ignores history has no past and no future." - Jean Boden

    "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."
    -- Robert Frost

  4. #24


    Ahhhh, Fort Carson. I did time there with the 46th Field Artillery Group. We were down in the old wood barracks by the back gate. Our motor pool was the last one before the gate, in fact.
    Too darn cold for a Florida boy! I volunteered for Vietnam to get the heck outta there.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Colo. Spgs., Colorado


    You wouldn't know the place now. All the old building are gone with brand new fancy buildings in their place. I was out there this week and a couple of vacant lots are now covered with housing units and a new school. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger with an Aviation Brigade due in any day now. I used to be with an NG artillery battery (8" self-propelled, the old full cab models) and we set up and ran fire missions about where the new hospital is now.

    I guess nothing stays the same.
    "A generation which ignores history has no past and no future." - Jean Boden

    "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."
    -- Robert Frost

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Dallas, TX metro.. formerly Phoenix metro, AZ


    only took me THIRTY years to get compensation for what was on my records in 1968 and they had em all there! BTW... did you know that McKenzies Raiders (3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry, 25th Inf. Div) was a NON-combat unit in 1968. That's what the fat lib at the VA told me.
    I had a 100% FAILURE rate in dealing with them over 30 years.
    I could write a book about it but I don't want to bore you all to tears.
    I STAY away from them.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Houston, Texas


    I have been going to Houston VA almost 20 years now.
    My best primary care Doctor left to become a chief at a Canadian hospital.--Hey, she was a foreign trained Doctor!
    Some doctors have the idea that this is a pool of subjects for practice. PSA very low, but a doc in training wanted practice to check prostates.
    Not me. [procedure was dubbed "a nail gun up the......" Got the picture?]
    And a prominent doctor conducted a two year knee study. I believe he came close to cooking the books on my case.
    The good doctors and nurses and staff are great here.
    The paperwork is......well, gov'mt.
    But go to records and get copies of doctors reports, and tests, and x-ray and mri results.
    You may have to ask for amendments, and correct some entries.
    oh, co pay is subjective. And confusing.
    And be carefull of prescriptions sent that you do not want. You have co-pay, remember.
    Remember to tell when you are forced to medicare.
    Take care out there, y'all, Paul

  8. #28


    I am "serviced" by the Fayetteville Ar. VA. Very good care for the most part. However, forget about an new treatment modalities. I've been dx'd with leukemia and my only options are: "slash, burn and poison" according to american cancer society guidelines. Will be visiting a clinic overseas soon.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Van Wert, OH


    I lost partial sight in my left eye when I was in the Marines and it was highly documented in my medical records, and was a big part of why I was discharged. I never filed for disability with it, but it's been getting worse and I can't see very well. Well I filed a claim with the VA mostly to get free medical help with it, not so much for the montly paycheck, that was over 2 years ago and they are still reviewing it. I had a VA eye appointment over 7 months ago and the doc said there is damage and said he would try to push it through so I could get medical treatment on it. Like I said that was 7 months ago.

    I'm glad it's not something I could have died from. Because I would be dead now.

    Maybe I need to get in trouble with the law and go to prison. At least my eye would be fixed free of charge within a month. Plus free food, a nice gym, and free rent. It's sad that us vets get treated this way.

  10. Default

    In my opinion the care at the local VA hospital in Salem VA is top notch, the adminstrative part of the VA gets a F-, still waiting for a military records documented claim filed in Nov 2008.

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