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  1. #21


    When they first put women near the potential FEBA in Korea I understand that when serious alerts were called a lot of men were missing as they were escorting ALL of the women to the rear. However, things are probably different today 15 or 20 years on. It looks to me like the girls are pulling their own weight even though they are not blue cord infantry (well neither was I). I still don't understand how a woman can be in the field with men and preserve modesty. I guess "modesty" is an obsolete concept.

    Although my brilliant ACDU military career only lasted 2 years, I would second Ron's comments above.

  2. Default

    There was a letter signed by something like 1000 retired flag officers urging no change to the current policy, you see what influence they had.
    My current policy is that if someone asks this enlisted Vietnam vet and retired Reserve officer about military service, my answer is NO!

  3. #23


    I am just wondering what's next? Base housing for "partners"

  4. Default

    Only after the Fed Govt is sued. Since the Feds dont recognize gay Marriage or same sex Domestic partnerships in the Military Base housing will have to consist of partner sharing the same BEQ/BOQ room.
    hitler, stalin and mao were progressives in their time

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Baird, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by dave View Post
    There are gays who very macho and there are the 'flaming limp wrist' types. The latter are not in the military.
    Oh yes they are! I saw a kid last week wearing some girl jeans and a black T-shirt with these little red an black striped wool fingerless gloves. He was SWISHING his way into the chowhall as if he was on a runway at a Paris fashion show. You better believ if anyone ever tells him to do anything he doesn't like or any situation ever feels unfair at all he will be whining discrimination in a heartbeat.

    That's exactly the reason I opposed ending don't ask don't tell. How is it legal to discriminate against women in some jobs in the military, the handicapped and the stupid, but you can't even put a restriction on gays?

    And wait till someone gets beaten for meat gazing in the showers. After they sexually harass someone they will cry about how they are the victim of homophobes.
    I own firearms not to fight against my government, but to ensure I will not have to.

  6. Default

    Several veterans who have served since DADT was enacted in 1993 have told me that individuals violating this policy were usually "outed" when they had to take their physicals prior to overseas deployment and tested HIV positive. They got to stay Stateside while straights faced the desert sun, freezing nights, IEDS, snipers, etc. That does a lot for understanding and respect.
    If there were any when I served in the Army 1967-1971 they were far more low keyed and close mouthed and discreet. than the
    loudmouths and braggarts and exhibtionists of today.
    Those I have talked to who have served in the Coed Military weren't too happy with it, and bailed out because of the favoritism showed to women.
    Last edited by blackhawknj; 10-09-2011 at 12:27.

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