At our small commuter airport, I was watching planes/helocopters take off/land, etc. Out of the blue lands a sleek single engine jet plane. It taxies over to a large hangar and gets refueled then backed into the hanger. The plane was in camoflage colors with a big red star on its dorsel fin. I talked to the pilot and in a nutshell this is what he said: He was taking this plane to the West Coast and stopped here to refuel and rest. The plane came from Ukraine and was a captured Russian plane. During the plane's journey the engine had to be replaced because the Russian engine was not dependable. The plane was gone the next day. I downloaded from my cell phone photos of this plane. I sent photos to my F.I.L in S. CA. He got them. I have tried to post those photos here to no avail, but I will keep trying.