We all know that things are different in Hollywood such as
thirty round revolvers and John Wain's endlessly firing
Winchester but I love it when the Hero's rifle clicks on empty,
and he throws it away. That's a Cowboy's months wages.
In Operation Pacific John Wain's Men rescue some Nuns and
5 or 6 year old kids. Back aboard his sub he tells how tough
it was to stop the kids from crying as they walked the 40 miles
through the Jungle. 40 Miles - no wonder they cried. So would I.
Another funny is in the movie SHE with Ursula Andress. In it 3 Men
are making their way in the Desert heading toward a known Oasis
a halfway stop on their way to see 'She who must be obeyed'.
After drinking the last drops from their canteens - they throw
the empty canteens away.
Makes me wonder why this stuff ends up in scripts and why
no one questions these ridiculous actions.
It gets a laugh anyway.