or so it seems to me. But I'm a dinosaur compared to most.
I do not have a mobile phone, nor do I want one, so sitting
for hours in a crowded DMV awaiting my turn, apart from
watching an odd assortment of people milling around clutching
paperwork I also noted how all those sitting near me were endlessly
scrolling away on their smart phones. Nothing could have come up
of interest otherwise they would have stopped - so why do it ?
I don't call many people, but apart from friends, the professionals
I sometimes need to call employ annoying Robots who talk endlessly
in English and Spanish about which button to push depending on what
you want. It's getting to me, making me wish I were still living in
the fifties when people answered phones and there were far fewer
bureaucrats, television was free and people dressed properly.
I do not envy those who will be living seventy or eighty years from now
as it will probably resemble a science fiction novel the likes of Metropolis
or Soylent Green.