During 1966-67, I was first cook, then later in charge of the officer's mess hall mess hall. It was right besides the open air amphitheater.
Usually serving 60 officers per meal. About once a month a Special Forces captain would show up at the back door wanting extra rations for his troops. He would trade captured weapons. We'd give him anything he wanted, but he was really thankful when we gave him steaks and eggs. We had an over abundance of each. All the weapons were communist including full auto. We, in turn sold them to other troops wanting souveniers, especially officers. I kept a M2 30 caliber carbine and fired it quite often into the surrounding jungle. I was probably the only SP4 first cook and later mess hall sargent (still SP4). The company CO wanted me to take the test for promotion, but I always refused. I wasn't interested in a career there. The mess hall was eventually run by a Warrant Officer.