Quote Originally Posted by Roadkingtrax View Post
I can find many references to it. Sounds like Gunboards did the right thing.
that would not be correct,

Verticle Scope had it set up as privileged access only, and there were quite a few members that contributed in the normal section ,

it was a bit of a gloves off place at first, but then mellowed to just a damn nice place to hang out,

not everyone was in the same camp, politically or otherwise, and when dust ups happened, the mod(s) took care of it,

some got booted from the site and the minefield (oneshot) for reasons,

others like myself, stayed and made lifelong contacts,

we knew each other, conversed off site, mailed packages amongst each other etc,

then a mod (all mods have access) that is full of drama and quite liberal, petitioned VS to kill it after he got called a name,

he won, and that mod is still there, managed to ban a lot of the talent on that site (minefielder or not)

even the previous owner and founder is on record saying VS screwed up the site,,,,