Hey all, copying my post here from the trapdoor bulletin board.

Got a decent condition trapdoor over the weekend, with two issues. First is its missing the cam latch spring. Second, the firing pin is stuck in the forward position. I've been soaking it in penetrating oil all weekend, but its seems well and stuck in there. I have tried tapping the protruding section of the pin on a wood block, and a few light taps with a nylon hammer. It seems firmly stuck in place. I will note that on the section protruding form the bolt face side, does have some play in it, but otherwise it seems firmly rusted in place. Is there any hope to remove this At this point, I'm willing to accept help, I am not much of a gunsmith and I fear damaging the gun more than necessary. I called some local shops and they are unwilling to work anything other than modern guns or ARs. I have the gun currently dissembled and the block detached. I am willing to listen to any advice anyone has to offer. Thanks

Got some good suggestions, its soaking now in some penetrating oil, its seems to be making some progress, or at least, it feels like I can see more into the block from the rear. Maybe its just wishful thinking? I promised pictures, so here they are. I am on day 2 of the big soak.
