Since taking over the wife's room I have been redoing the room [among other irons in the fire] while continuing to reload. Want to show a couple of things for those who use Dillon. I have one of Mike's early 550B and just added a different spent primer system that I purchased from E-Bay. I have always hated the cup that came with the machine with primers popping out and the constant dumping of primers. I purchased an attachment that replaces the cup with a 4 foot plastic tube attached. I get free buckets with lids from Kroger's for my reloading stuff. Using plumbers metal clamps I attached the tube to the front of my bench and into the bucket, much easier. While I was ill I watch a great deal of DIY on You Tube, one was for the swagger. I attached a return spring to it and I can process about 600 an hour with ease. The case flips off the shaft into a bin that sets next to my bench. Now I am looking @ powered case trimmers as my Lyman is too slow for the amount of rifle brass that I need to do.