Pic #1 is how I am constructing our berry plants to grow, currently in hanging pots. #2 is some of our 10 tomato plants, as soon as I get up the bubble wrap insulation inside of the greenhouse roof I will be extending green paracord from the rafters to the plants. I am going to let the plants get 7-8 feet tall for a good production. What food my family does not use, we will take to Church for our Church family. I haven't had a chance to try the berries, my wife nails everyone of them! I have the peach trees outside and waiting on delivery of the other ones. Will have pole and bush beans planted this week, already have my favorite lettuce Romaine. Potatoes are doing nicely and my wife has successive plantings each month for a steady supply. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Will be starting the grape plants soon as they arrive at Wal-Mart.