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Thread: The Dark Angel

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    Default The Dark Angel

    The year is 1972. The location is Yokosuka Japan. Golf Company 2/9 3rd Marine Division deployed for cold weather training at Camp Fuji Japan. After landing by troop ship in Yokosuka, we have a brief layover until we head to Camp Fuji. I had picked up some bug on the ship and was sick as a dog with upper respiratory symptoms. Needless to say, while everyone else headed out for liberty, the old Dolt stayed in his rack and suffered. I remember waking up in the dead of night with only a fire watch lamp lit for the squad bay. I was the only one in the barracks.....I thought.

    I heard someone walking through the barracks quietly and wondered who it was since everybody else had gone on liberty. As I lay in my flu induced misery, an apparition in the form of a tall black marine walked into my field of vision. "What's wrong with you Motherf......?" He asks in a not so gentle tone. He had a coffee brown face and his look, while not menacing was tough. You have to be aware that at this time in the Marines race relations were at an all time low. Blacks, Whites and Mexicans all formed groups for protection from each other, just like in prison. It's hard to imagine today, but that was how it was back then. Anyway, I told the black jar head I was sick as a dog and just wanted to sleep. Actually, I thought he was gonna beat my ass since I was the only white guy there and he was the only black. He just looks at me with a smirk of disgust and walks away.

    I went back to sleep and soon I wake up to see the same marine standing at my bed again. "Uh Oh, thinks I, now is the time for my ass beating. The black marine holds up a glass filled with a clear liquid and tells me to drink it. He doesn't ask me to drink it, or ask me if I would like to drink it, he says "Drink it". I told him I was too sick to drink. Once again, he said "DRINK IT!" His tone left me no room to demure again, so, thinking that it may be my last drink I swallowed hard and then drank down the concoction. It was definitely alcoholic in nature but also tasted of licorice. It wasn't bad so I said thanks. He walked out of the squad bay and I stepped out of consciousness.

    Next thing I know, it is morning and all of the grunts are getting up and dressed for chow. I get up, go into the head for my three S's (you know what I mean). While I am walking to the showers, it all of a sudden occurs to me that my flu, cold, whatever is gone!!! I mean I feel great. Not just a little better, but great! It must have been that drink that the black Marine gave me, that is all I could think. I have never before or since been cured like that from severe sickness. So anyway, I make a note to thank this guy next time I see him. I never saw him again. I knew all of the guys in my platoon and he wasn't one of them. I don't know what outfit he came from or where he ended up, but his act of kindness to a suffering, pathetic "Chuck" has never left my memory. If by some chance he reads this, Thanks Buddy!!
    Last edited by Dolt; 06-25-2018 at 10:36.
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