Quote Originally Posted by M1Tommy View Post
I might suggest a Giraud Power Trimmer. I have one in storage. Unfortunately, as I have just moved and am still unpacking, I won't be using it for some months.
If you'd like to borrow it, paying only shipping and buying your own trim head, holler my way via email. It might save you a few hundred dollars and 'get you caught up'..... just thinking aloud.

m1sshooter *AT* yahoo *DOT* com

Tommy I appreciate the thought. I like having my own equipment and don't mind spending the money to get it. My Dad taught me that cheap is expensive, but don't spend money that you don't have to. I have always taken Dad's advice to heart and that was 50 years ago I was taught the lesson. I am adding a padded stool with a back to it for my reloading...funny I never thought of this as it is a fantastic idea. My 550 Dillon has already one rebuild on it's history and still going strong so no problem there. What is odd is that my equipment is "vintage" and parts are no longer available as most is "Pacific". I have $1500 earmarked for new/replacement equipment and will replace any worn equipment or supplement what I currently have. Again, thanks for the kind thought.