Quote Originally Posted by blackhawknj View Post
Matyas Rakosi, who engineered the Communist takeover of Hungary in 1945-46, was noted for his "salami slicing" tactics-just a little bit at time. What I call flank attacks on the RKBA-cf. the attempts to deny recent veterans their 2A Rights on the grounds that they've been so "traumatized"-PTSD, anyone ?-that ...you get the picture.
Supposing they find out this guy was on drugs, either prescription or illegal-what then.
Gun owners are a pretty ingenious and inventive bunch. Be honest-how any of you have bought "those" books and made silencers ? Outlaw bump fire parts. accelerators ? Make your own out of scrap metal, won't hurt so much if you have to ditch them.
this is pretty good. we all know that criminals dont abide by the law anyways. anything banned just deprives honest people, it doesnt deprive or slow down criminals in the least!