Quote Originally Posted by Griff Murphey View Post
The M-14 would have been a great rifle in the desert or in Europe, but I think he is right about it being too heavy and clumsy for Vietnam.
Which was why it was replaced. But speaking of heavy and clumsy, there's at least one early photo of an ARVN soldier, weighing not much over 100lbs it appeared, shouldering a M1 rifle; an M1 or M2 carbine would seem a better choice for jungle fighting before M16s became available. Another photo shows what I think was supposed to be a VC aiming an '03 Springfield, and I don't mean 03A3! One problem with most historical documentaries is that they mix up photos taken in different decades because the photo editors are too ignorant to know better; what they could at least do is insert an approximate date into the corner of every photo or film clip.