I purchased a model 1873 Winchester that according to the serial # was manufactured in 1894. Caliber is 38-40. I know some has shot smokeless loads in these rifles w/o problems. Even factory ammo if you can fine it is loaded with smokeless. However I think it may be safer to load black powder. Would the Lyman black powder reloading book be a good source for the above? I have been reloading with smokeless powders for close to 30 years in many other rifles and pistols. The only experience I have with BP is with a CVA percussion muzzle loader in 50 cal. many years ago. I contacted Hodgden and they said they would not recommend I use Pyrodex because it may give higher pressures then BP and because my 1873 was proofed with BP. I most likely will be using cast bullets that I can purchase because I am not set up for casting. Before I do set up for casting I would like to know what works. On cast bullets is there only certain lubes that will work with BP? Any sources you could recommend will be much appreciated. Thanks
