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    An M1 Carbine, a AR15 rifle, pistol or shotgun are all good home defense firearms. Though cocking a pump shotgun to intimidate bad guys is a poor tactical move in my opinion. You are giving away position, any surprise you might have, and you are counting on having time to chamber a round. Time you may not have.

    I have a number of years experience doing high risk warrant service, "No knocks". Most residential home entry doors are pretty much nothing to get through. We could force entry, clear and secure an average size home in 10 seconds, more or less. Awaken from sleep by load crashing noises, yelling, gun lights in their faces, their senses overwhelmed, people freeze and can't respond. I have secured bad guys laying in bed with a gun but they could not comprehend what was going on and were unable to act. Very few ever had the wherewithal to resist.

    Home defense requires a loaded gun, proficiency with that gun, and a contingency plan already made, knowing the unexpected will happen. I have cleared my house numerous times. I have several corners I can use for cover and concealment and I know the fields of fire. At night a loaded 40 cal. Glock with night sights, flashlight, cell phone, house and car keys and alarm fob are on the night stand. The house alarm is set for no delay. My wife is aware and what I expect her to do if necessary. My entry doors can be forced but not easily and not without some time involved. Time I need on my side.
    I was a Boy Scout and I have always followed the motto.
    Last edited by bonnie; 09-26-2016 at 07:11.

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