When you dump a bunch of oranges into a bin and squeeze them, you get much less juice than squeezing them individually. People are aware of that when selling.

At one point I wondered what about the stuff I have when I've moved along. Three sons but, the more I thought about that, the more I realized they're not me. They simply don't do the gun/military stuff. So it'd be better in the hands of somebody who was more along my lines. Thus I hope they sell it for maximum profit and blow the proceeds on hookers and blow. Not anything useful as that'd not really be something that'd amuse me. Blow it. Poof. A couple of weeks in Vegas they'll never be able to remember through the haze of the binge. That would amuse me.

So until that time I'll appreciate it. If, instead of selling and and plowing the proceeds into hookers and blow, they bury it I guess that's their choice and not something I should worry about as the point for me is to derive the enjoyment of collecting and poking at it now.