The Savage Model 1911 prototype is the rarest Savage trials pistol ever produced. It was Savage's final attempt and incorporated all the modifications and improvements introduced during the U.S. military pistol trials of 1908-1911. It is a different pistol than the earlier M1907 pistol. This is the pistol used in the final competitive test against the Colt Special Army in March 1911.

Only (4) M1911 prototypes were ever produced. This pistol is the one shown in Meadows' and Carr's books. Savage retained this pistol, marked only P2 (Prototype 2) and displayed it in the Savage Arms Collection in their museum until it was sold in 1977. The photos in Meadows' book are not credited to anyone, but the photo of this pistol in Carr's book is credited to Savage Arms Corporation.

The black & white photos don't really do justice showing the high polish and beautifully blued finish of the pistol. However, they do show every little mark and wear pattern on the pistol and make it very easy to verify this is the pistol shown.