I love hearing old war stories from WWII. I was wondering what stories you guys had from friends, family, or acquantances? This is probably my two favorites ones.

1) A gentleman stopped by where I worked who was wearing a WWII veteran hat. As I always do when I see someone who is wearing a veteran hat, I always make it a point to go up to them and shake there hand and thank them for their service. When I shook the man's hand, I noticed his middle finger was gone at the knuckle. The guy noticed that I had seen his finger was missing, even though I tried not to make it obvious. He lifted his hand, looked at his missing finger and laughed. He said, "Yeah I learned the hard way, don't ever flip off an SS officer in a German POW camp." We became good friends after that. lol

2) I bought a German P38 one time from an older guy that walked into a gunshow. As I always do I asked do you know any history of where it came from. The guy said yeah, I brought it back. Well I said if you don't mind me asking where did you get it from. The old guy said well it's really not that interesting. I said I would still love to know. He said ok, it's not really special but if you want to know I will tell you.

He was in Field Artillery in WWII, and was somewhere in France. He said they had orders to move to a new position and were towing a field artillery piece with a jeep. He said it was just four of them in the jeep with small arms and then the artillery gun. He said some how they read the map wrong and ended up being lost and behind enemy lines. They stopped and were trying to figure out where they were, when a German tank appeared on the horizon and started firing at them. He said they didn't have any anti-tank weapons and said that they were in a little valley so the tank couldn't get a real good shot on them. Even though it kept trying as it came closer. He said they thought about unhitching the artillery gun and making a run for it in the jeep, when one of the guys got an idea to try to take the tank without the artillery gun. He said they unhooked the gun and pointed it in the direction of the tank but the tank was too close and they couldn't get the right tragectory on it to hit it. So one of the guys came up with the idea to push the cannon over, let it fall on the jeep, and then drive the jeep back and forth to move the position of the cannon.

He said they did this, waited for the tank to come up over a little ridge, fired, and hit the tank right on the bottom of it, knocking the tank out. He then said they then rushed the tank with their small arms. A German opened up the top hatch, came rushing out of the tank while it was on fire, and this guy said he shot the German. He then said he found this P38 on the German's belt.

This guy had said it was an unremarkable story on how he got the P38 and here they had knocked out a tank to get it. He was so very humble about it, and just acted like it wasn't anything special.

Now lets hear some of your guy's stories.