It's like Loius say's, no one listens but they think you're telling tales. I realised this when I got out after time served and tried to be an armoured car guard. People would ask questions and I would answer straight up without though. I found out later they thought I was crazy. (So what if I am?) I actually had a young woman (my partner at the time) say "Hold it, are these just stories or did this happen?" That's when I realized civvies don't have much of a life.

Later while I was still serving with the reserves I found out my unit was deploying to Afghanistan. I was in the middle of a medical release so I was done for. I told the young troops not to tell stories when they came back because these people wouldn't understand and it would be held against them. One individual I keep in touch with didn't listen and has now found out it's true. It's cool to have been over there, but when you tell them about a particular firefight or major incident they have nothing to compare to so they look at you strangely.

I expect very shortly to have the wanna be soldiers come forward claiming to have been in the recent unpleasantness.