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Thread: Good call

  1. Default Good call


    When friends ask me about getting a (first) pistol I always tell them get a DA revolver. This guy talks as if he has the experience to back his view.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Simple, reliable, take a much wider choice of cartridges than auto's including more potent calibers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Cleveland Ohio


    I think he has a point. However, being safer and being safe are two different things. I believe carry the handgun that you are most accurate with and feel confident in using. If it is a full size 1911, you will adjust to it. If you feel the need for a small handgun then that is what you should have. As for neighborhoods, good advise. But......with the influx of migrants into the U.S. they can be and are everywhere. Who are they? Life has changed in our nation from a personal security view point. Terrorists do not require a large event like the one in Russia. They could easily pick out a mall or busy Kroger store for example. Just some thoughts on my part. What do you folks have to say?
    Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.
    Author unkown.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Dallas, TX metro.. formerly Phoenix metro, AZ


    the best fight is the ONE you AVOIDED.
    1) you can get hurt (or killed)
    2) you can end up in jail or prison
    3) You might win, but you still can get sued in civil court.
    4) lawyers cost a lot of money (even if you have USCCA) and a lot of sTRESS.

    AVOID it.
    I carry my full sized 1911 double stack 45 (14 + 1 of 45 Speer Gold Dot 230 JHP's )
    I don't go where things are "questionable"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by Former Cav View Post
    I don't go where things are "questionable"

    Avoid what you can.

    Problem is: everywhere is becoming "questionable".

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Dallas, TX metro.. formerly Phoenix metro, AZ


    Quote Originally Posted by Allen View Post

    Avoid what you can.

    Problem is: everywhere is becoming "questionable".
    Unfortunately you are correct! I took my wife to see a movie and she is in a power wheelchair and I have a wheelchair lift on the back of the SUV
    We came out (this is in suburban Dallas) and I have her in the SUV and I'm getting ready to load up her chair and a van load of DEI's show (if you know what I mean). They are EYEBALLING me real close. Well, of course I had my 1911 on me in an IWB (concealed)
    About the time one of them starts to come my way (one step) and the Movie theater lets out another crowd of people (coming my way thankfully). Well, mr DEI had a change of heart. I hate to think what "might have happened". IT was only 6 PM but it was getting dark out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Cleveland Ohio


    Cav, your correct on all comments when it comes to trying to avoid any confrontation to begin with. Same with all the results, you can be in the right and did everything right, but that does not mean you will not be charged. As for a safe place, no place is fully safe. The bad guys go where they wish, there is no sign that states "Bad guys keep out." And if there was a sign, they do not obey its direction to stay out. Just like felons are prohibited from having a firearm, but we all know they still get them and it is not from the local FFL or gun show retailer or by way of the so called "loop hole."
    Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.
    Author unkown.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southern Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by Former Cav View Post
    Unfortunately you are correct! I took my wife to see a movie and she is in a power wheelchair and I have a wheelchair lift on the back of the SUV
    We came out (this is in suburban Dallas) and I have her in the SUV and I'm getting ready to load up her chair and a van load of DEI's show (if you know what I mean). They are EYEBALLING me real close. Well, of course I had my 1911 on me in an IWB (concealed)
    About the time one of them starts to come my way (one step) and the Movie theater lets out another crowd of people (coming my way thankfully). Well, mr DEI had a change of heart. I hate to think what "might have happened". IT was only 6 PM but it was getting dark out.
    The perp was lucky.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Former Cav View Post
    Unfortunately you are correct! I took my wife to see a movie and she is in a power wheelchair and I have a wheelchair lift on the back of the SUV
    We came out (this is in suburban Dallas) and I have her in the SUV and I'm getting ready to load up her chair and a van load of DEI's show (if you know what I mean). They are EYEBALLING me real close. Well, of course I had my 1911 on me in an IWB (concealed)
    About the time one of them starts to come my way (one step) and the Movie theater lets out another crowd of people (coming my way thankfully). Well, mr DEI had a change of heart. I hate to think what "might have happened". IT was only 6 PM but it was getting dark out.
    Similar story . . . .
    A member of our rifle team had this happen . . . .
    He and his wife were at a bowling alley and a couple of lanes away, a group of ?misfits? kept eyeing him and his wife.
    Finally, when he and the Missus? left . . . .after dark . . . .he was in the parking lot, in the car, when these guys approached.
    The lighting in the lot was such that it showed brightly through his windshield.
    When these guys got to the drivers? door and looked through the window, they saw he was holding a revolver and spinning the cylinder!
    ?Can I help you?,? he asked. . . .
    These ?fine citizens? abruptly did a 180 and retreated!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Once upon a time I was pastoring a rural church out in the county. My wife worked at night as a clerk at the hospital. A man at work thought it was fun to bother her. She didn't tell me. But, she got tired of his foolishness. One night she slipped my 1911 NM into her purse. At work she put the purse under her desk. About 3 AM that man walked into her little office and closed the door and told her what he was going to do. My wife pulled the pistol out of her purse and balanced it on the top of her desk aimed at him. She told him to get out of her office or she would "chop you in half with my husbands gun." Administrator blew his stack at her. Threatened her job. I drove over the next morning and had a talk with him. Administrator fired the trouble maker. He never did apologize to my wife. But, she kept her job and he didn't have anything more to say to her. Guess someone on the board had a talk with him. Nowadays ... she and I are both retired. The 1911NM is long gone. Instead she has a nice little four inch 586 which, by the kindness of a board member, is now stuffed with Winchester +P+ 110 gr. .38 Special ammo. I figure she can fix anything that needs fixing when I am gone during the night. Sincerely. bruce.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

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