Once upon a time I was pastoring a rural church out in the county. My wife worked at night as a clerk at the hospital. A man at work thought it was fun to bother her. She didn't tell me. But, she got tired of his foolishness. One night she slipped my 1911 NM into her purse. At work she put the purse under her desk. About 3 AM that man walked into her little office and closed the door and told her what he was going to do. My wife pulled the pistol out of her purse and balanced it on the top of her desk aimed at him. She told him to get out of her office or she would "chop you in half with my husbands gun." Administrator blew his stack at her. Threatened her job. I drove over the next morning and had a talk with him. Administrator fired the trouble maker. He never did apologize to my wife. But, she kept her job and he didn't have anything more to say to her. Guess someone on the board had a talk with him. Nowadays ... she and I are both retired. The 1911NM is long gone. Instead she has a nice little four inch 586 which, by the kindness of a board member, is now stuffed with Winchester +P+ 110 gr. .38 Special ammo. I figure she can fix anything that needs fixing when I am gone during the night. Sincerely. bruce.