There may be no facts to support my theory, but It looks
fairly clear to me.
I suspect the American white voter had a collective
case of conscience regarding the horrors of slavery forced
on an entire race and decided to make amends as best they
could by voting Blacks into office. It became a Tsunami and
resulted in Blacks taking over entire Governments in Towns
and Cities with Mayors, Police Chiefs, DAs flexing their new
found power by introducing extreme liberalism to a suffering
populace that possibly now regrets it's earlier vote. There
seems to be no awareness on the part of these people on
how to govern, hence we have once great Cities sinking into
chaos with depleted Police depts overwhelmed and unable to
enforce the laws ignored by the thugs that now do as they
damn well please. We're reaping what we sowed it seems.
Question; Does racism prohibit criticism ?
To quote the great Gabby Hayes "I'll say what I think"