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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Bay area, Calif

    Default Funny stupid things in movies ...

    We all know that things are different in Hollywood such as
    thirty round revolvers and John Wain's endlessly firing
    Winchester but I love it when the Hero's rifle clicks on empty,
    and he throws it away. That's a Cowboy's months wages.
    In Operation Pacific John Wain's Men rescue some Nuns and
    5 or 6 year old kids. Back aboard his sub he tells how tough
    it was to stop the kids from crying as they walked the 40 miles
    through the Jungle. 40 Miles - no wonder they cried. So would I.
    Another funny is in the movie SHE with Ursula Andress. In it 3 Men
    are making their way in the Desert heading toward a known Oasis
    a halfway stop on their way to see 'She who must be obeyed'.
    After drinking the last drops from their canteens - they throw
    the empty canteens away.
    Makes me wonder why this stuff ends up in scripts and why
    no one questions these ridiculous actions.
    It gets a laugh anyway.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Most all movies have an unrealistic happy ending. Kids shows/movies always have to teach them sometime or do a little brain washing.

    That's why I liked the Game of Thrones series. Sure it was fantasy but if someone said they were going to cut your head off your head WAS coming off. No Disney type "lived happy ever after" BS. No one stepping in at the last minute to save the day.

    Something else that comes to mind are the old original Frankenstein movies. Frankie could hardly walk. His knees didn't bend yet if he chased you he was always shown right on someones arse no matter how fast they ran.

    Then there's the old Elvis movies where anytime he got into the mood to sing all this music comes from nowhere.

    That last Top Gun movie was pretty hokey where Tom Cruise races through a security checkpoint/guardhouse into a military base. Later, after being suspended, he flies and destroys a multi-million dollar F-18 without much being said about it.

  3. #3


    Dogtag . . . .

    Remember the scene in “The Sand Pebbles”, where McQueen throws the ‘03 OVERBOARD after shooting his Chinese friend?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    And, when John Wayne smashed his plastic M16 on a tree?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    central Arkansas


    Quote Originally Posted by Allen View Post
    ........That last Top Gun movie was pretty hokey where Tom Cruise races through a security checkpoint/guardhouse into a military base. Later, after being suspended, he flies and destroys a multi-million dollar F-18 without much being said about it.
    My son (was an F-16 Crew Chief) and I agree that they completely omitted all the screams of hatred from the maintainers after over-g'ing those planes so often!


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