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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Haystack, Nebr.

    Default Saturday coffee Oct 7

    Temp right at freezing this morning but no frost to chisel off the windshield. I won't be mowing the lawn too many more times this year - yay! I could tell it was a little chillier - when I drove past the gro at 0545, the old fart lie swappers and coffee club guys were all bundled up waiting for the door to open at 6. RR guys have a once a month old head coffee get together to which I've been invited several times, but I always forget which day they do that. Third Thurs? I dunno.

    I probably wouldn't go anyway. I've heard enough RR war stories to last a lifetime. I have a few good ones myself, but I know how these coffee clubs go - everybody wants to talk and not listen. So I figure I'm not missing much. Did house mouse stuff for wifey already - now I'll cruise a few sites and be quiet while she sleeps in. SW

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Whitemouth R., Up the Escarpment


    Still on 1st cup~ of original Max, which we haven't had for a while. Still nice. 36 F, and the s-word will soon start being indiscriminately tossed around here. Likely won't see actual on the ground until sometime after the 30th.

    Probably go snorfling around later for cheap film era manual focus glass.

    The Bombers ugly won (again) over the Lions last night for sole possession of 1st in the West, which means the West final will be played here.


    Doc Sharptail

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
    Blog Entries


    had a couple cuppa's of tea, drove to Cville, and called a Match

    headcold got me feeling foggy so i did shoot (and a sudden sneeze whilst in offhand would be disastrous for the score card)

    had to go regardless to drop off the results from the last match,

    so since the Match Director rarely gets to shoot, I called the match for him ,

    was raining this AM , so a very light turnout,

    back at the shop to tabulate scores etc,

    now headed home

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