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Thread: 79 years ago today

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Phoenix AZ area
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    Default 79 years ago today

    My father in law was a tail gunner in a B-26. On this day, in 1944, on a mission over Breast, FR, his plane was damaged by flak; the pilot rang the bail out bell and my father in law and a waist gunner bailed out, my FIL, first. He landed on the German side of the lines, and the other guy was close enough to our side that an American patrol picked him up.

    On landing, my FIL hit a wall and broke his leg. He hid in a bush that he thought was very thin while the Germans with dogs went past him. He said his .45 was for the dogs as they were told the Germans would set the dogs on downed flyers. He never thought much of Dobermans after that 'cause they didn't find him.

    French partisans found him and hid him for 3 days, then said he needed medical help they couldn't provide. Buried him on a hay wagon for the trip. Left him on a road near a German Hospital. He was captured and in the hospital when all the staff just disapeared. Soon after the hospital was "liberated" by the Americans.

    He always thought I was dumb for jumping out of perfectly flyable plane.

    I Just put out the flag to honor him, now gone, and all those who gave up time in their lives, and some that didn't come back to us.

    Honor our vets and all the heros that didn't come back; vote for those that WILL honor them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    May your FIL RIP.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by lyman View Post
    May your FIL RIP.

  4. #4



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