Plenty of rain this week. I've discovered when the weather guesser says 0% chance, better roll the windows up. Must be nice to have a job where you're wrong so much and still get paid. 49 this morning and it felt nice!

The annual father's day car show is going on, and the parade might not get rained out. Maybe. Some neat old rides cruising Haystack. One that really caught my attention was a 50s vintage Hudson sedan with Texas plates. It was sitting right but just clear coat for paint.
"Shift-o-matic" tranny. A fellow from Colo has a vintage COE tractor & double deck car trailer. Brings 6 way cool hot rods every year.

Might wander down to main st & watch the parade... might not.

Lawn is close to needing mowed again, but not today. Tomorrow doesn't look good, either. Back to being quiet now so wifey can snooze. SW