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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Haystack, Nebr.

    Default Graduation memories

    Went to a nephew's grad this weekend. I don't care for sitting through ceremonies like that, but I was happy for him. I thought he'd enlist in the Corps like his dad, but he's taking automotive courses at U of Wyo and will start out continuing to work in the family garage. The class was only 38 kids so it really didn't last that long.

    It brought back memories of mine - back in the day when dinosaurs roamed the earth. The week before and after the ceremony were happy times... then reality started to soak in. "Dang! What am I going to do???" It was a small town - under 1000 population - and job opportunities were a bit scarce. Work in one of the small businesses or for a farmer or rancher... not much in the way of career potential.

    I also noticed certain young ladies had developed a sense of urgency to get married before eligible guys migrated away to college or elsewhere. As young and dumb as I was, I had it figured out I didn't have much to offer by way of being a husband, let alone being a new dad. And a couple guys I knew were right there.

    College? It was a nice thought, but I hadn't tried for scholarships. Then, Mom & Dad didn't have the means to send me, and the idea of taking out a student loan didn't set well. So I enlisted and was in Viet Nam before I knew what was going on. Which gave me time to think seriously about what I really wanted in life and what I needed to do to attain it. It could have worked out a lot worse. A couple opportunities presented themselves to me and I signed on with a RR from which I'm now retired. Hopefully nephew will also recognize opportunities and jump when one presents itself.

    Quick humorous memory from graduation. GF left a cigar in my ride while the ceremony was taking place. I didn't notice it, but a friend did and asked if he could have it. "You bet!" it was a bigger style dog turd, and I preferred Swisher Sweets (you looked cool with one of those in your mug!) Turned out gf had put an explodey pellet in it, and he about pooped his pants when it went off. SW

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Well, your friend can't blame you since he's the one who asked for it. Personally I've had better GF's though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Haystack, Nebr.


    Yeah - that gf didn't last long. We broke up right before I went to the recruiting office. SW

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    My Dad, in WWII was a Chief Gunners Mate in Seabees. He had 4 battle stars, and when onboard a ship his 20MM gun crew had 3 kills. While ashore on Guadalcanal, he was the chief of a demolition crew.

    John Q. Carson, Jr. Came home and went to college and earned degrees in math and botany science.

    He had a career with the Forest Service and at was once the Ranger that run the Ozark National Forrest.

    He taught me to never give up. I stretched my abilities and was able to go way beyond my God given abilities. I was lucky but the never give up strength got me into a backseat of a F-4 Phantom.

    Just my $.02.

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