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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Houston, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by lyman View Post
    Episcopalians are part of or derived from the Anglian Church, so in theory there would be no way to trace back any ordination,
    but then again, it was started by Henry XIII, and technically an off shot of the Catholic Church,, correct?

    Not far from the truth at all but only as far as form goes. An Episcopalian is not a Catholic even though their services are extremely similar. As a matter of fact if you went to the
    Episcopal service I mentioned above you would probably think you were at Mass if you were a Catholic unless you were paying really close attention which was also an issue with the Catholics regarding the service at the Vatican. Lutheran services are very similar in form as well.

    For quite a while now, as a result of a a growing split on doctrine within the Episcopal church on mainly sexual issues; the Roman Catholic Church has accepted ordained Episcopal Priests who have left the Episcopal communion over moral concerns into the church and ordained some of them as Catholic Priests. Most of these new ex Episcopal Catholic priests are married and have been exempted from the vow of celibacy.
    Last edited by Art; 05-08-2023 at 02:21.

  2. #22
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    Deep in the Ozarks


    Quote Originally Posted by Art View Post
    Not far from the truth at all. Episcopal and Catholic services are extremely similar. As a matter of fact if you went to the Episcopal service I mentioned you would probably think you were at Mass if you were a Catholic unless you were paying really close attention which was also an issue with the Catholics regarding the service at the Vatican. Lutheran services are very similar as well.

    For quite a while now, as a result of a a growing split on doctrine within the Episcopal church on mainly sexual issues; the Roman Catholic Church has accepted ordained Episcopal Priests who have left the Episcopal communion over moral concerns as Catholic Priests. Most of these new ex Episcopal Catholic priests are married and have been exempted from the vow of celibacy.
    That's true.

    The Catholic Church is divided into two great branches, Eastern and Western. The Eastern Branch has 28 different rites (confusingly enough, sometimes called "churches") such as the Syro-Malabar rite in India, the Coptic rite in Egypt, and so on. The Western Branch until recently had only one rite, the Roman rite. Within the last few years a new rite has been created, the Anglican rite. This was done to welcome Episcopalian parishes and dioceses that came over to the Catholic Church. Their priests can be married (although bishops cannot) and they still use the Book of Common Prayer.

  3. #23
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    Houston, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Vern Humphrey View Post
    That's true.

    The Catholic Church is divided into two great branches, Eastern and Western. The Eastern Branch has 28 different rites (confusingly enough, sometimes called "churches") such as the Syro-Malabar rite in India, the Coptic rite in Egypt, and so on. The Western Branch until recently had only one rite, the Roman rite. Within the last few years a new rite has been created, the Anglican rite. This was done to welcome Episcopalian parishes and dioceses that came over to the Catholic Church. Their priests can be married (although bishops cannot) and they still use the Book of Common Prayer.
    Rarely they take the Priest without the congregation. Larry Gipson who was the Rector at St Martin's in Houston, the largest Episcopal Church in The United States, Where he was pastor to ex President George H.W. Bush converted to Roman Catholicism and was ordained into the Roman Catholic Church on his own where he rose to the rank of Monsignor pastoring a traditional Catholic parish, St Gregory the Great in Mobile, Ala. Fr. Gipson was also a married man. It works out for everybody. The ex Episcopal folks get a friendlier environment and the Catholics get help with their clergy shortage.
    Last edited by Art; 05-08-2023 at 02:45.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Art View Post
    Rarely they take the Priest without the congregation. Larry Gipson who was the Rector at St Martin's in Houston, the largest Episcopal Church in The United States, Where he was pastor to ex President George H.W. Bush converted to Roman Catholicism and was ordained into the Roman Catholic Church on his own where he rose to the rank of Monsignor pastoring a traditional Catholic parish, St Gregory the Great in Mobile, Ala. Fr. Gipson was also a married man. It works out for everybody. The ex Episcopal folks get a friendlier environment and the Catholics get help with their clergy shortage.
    For a long time Episcopalian priests have been able to join the Catholic Church and be ordained.

  5. #25
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    Houston, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Vern Humphrey View Post
    For a long time Episcopalian priests have been able to join the Catholic Church and be ordained.

  6. Default

    Years ago I knew a man, he was ordained as a Presbyterian minister, was married and expecting their first child, and ended up becoming a married Catholic priest. I read of one Catholic diocese that had an ordination program for older men who had married, had families. IIRC the rule in the Eastern churches is a parish priest can marry, if you want to ascend to the higher ranks you must remain celibate.
    Henry VIII declared himself Supreme Head of the Church in England so he could divorce Catherine of Aragon because she had failed to provide him with a male heir. For a variety of reasons England allied itself with the Protestants, the Anglican Church ended up sort of Catholic in form and Protestant in spirit.

  7. #27


    Religion talk is a little like car talk. When I went to our country Baptist church us kids huddled around and the smart kids could blurt out Matthew, Mark,Luke and John by the numbers. Why? It's training. I know that some of those kids went on to be very successful in life. I'm going to quote Yuval Noah Harari because I'm reading his book a lot.

    -The Mauryan Empire in the 3rd century BC took as its mission the dissemination of Buddha's teachings to an ignorant world. The Muslim caliphs received a divine mandate to spread the Prophet's revelation, peacefully if possible but by the sword if necessary.- [and if you got a little swag OK].

    -It is the first worlds moral obligation to bring the benefits of democracy and human rights to the third world even if it takes cruise missiles and F-16's- We, at least me, knows that's ahh...

    Religion is mythical. It was what was invented and used to set the masses (and little kids) straight. Now we are too smart for that, or too lazy to learn a little of it. Teach your children well. Let them make their own decisions. But a little of it hangs on and that can't hurt.
    Last edited by dryheat; 05-09-2023 at 12:04.
    If I should die before I wake...great,a little more sleep.

  8. Default

    The religious figure who is exposed as a fraud and a hypocrite is a stock figure in literature-Elmer Gantry, e.g., and is justly held up to scorn and ridicule, the thieving and corrupt politician-where is the Great American Novel that gave that individual a label ? The Joe Paterno/Gerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State quickly went into the
    Memory Hole. Everyone remembers Himmler and Heydrich, who remembers Yagoda and Yezhov, Stalin's police chiefs who made the Gestapo look like a real road show operation ?
    Last edited by blackhawknj; 05-09-2023 at 10:33.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackhawknj View Post
    The religious figure who is exposed as a fraud and a hypocrite is a stock figure in literature-Elmer Gantry, e.g., and is justly held up to scorn and ridicule, the thieving and corrupt politician-where is the Great American Novel that gave that individual a label ? The Joe Paterno/Gerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State quickly went into the
    Memory Hole. Everyone remembers Himmler and Heydrich, who remembers Yagoda and Yezhov, Stalin's police chiefs who made the Gestapo look like a real road show operation ?
    There is a reason for that. If we were exposed to the reality of communism/socialism many of our most powerful politicians would be street people.

  10. #30
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    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Ken The Kanuck View Post
    I am not smart enough to know God's thoughts, I will just try to be a good person and see how that works out.
    I once picked up a motto and have tried my best to follow it. It goes something like rhis:


    Once I took a test for a job. One of the questions was: Have you ever stolen from your employer?

    I answered yes!

    I had accidentally taken home pencils, pens, stickies, box cutters, etc. I was the only one that answered yes,and, yes, I got the job.

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