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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Haystack, Nebr.

    Default Saturday coffee April 29

    Mowed the lawn 1st time this year yesterday. Didn't actually need it, but the lawn people were coming over to spray and fertilize. I figured it would look a little better if everything grew from the same starting point. I think we've still got snow coming - it snowed in Cheyenne yesterday - 90 miles away. All the trees aren't showing leaves, and still not much of an assortment of birds. Mostly ring neck doves and a few special needs robins.

    Took Flop ears out for a short hike already I meant to take bread for the Ca-nay-jun geese but forgot it at the last minute. Just as well - they were gone. A few ducks swam up to mooch, and that was it. No plans for the day or weekend except writing. All caught up on the house mouse stuff I do for wifey while her shoulder heals, so for now it's be quiet and cruise the interwebs. SW

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
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    local gun show weekend, sat up last evening,

    hoping it is a good one,

    headed out after the show tonight to pick up 70+ guns from a widower,

    all stored poorly, so I will be spending a few days with a rag/ballistol/elbow grease next week

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    Quote Originally Posted by lyman View Post
    local gun show weekend, sat up last evening,

    hoping it is a good one,

    headed out after the show tonight to pick up 70+ guns from a widower,

    all stored poorly, so I will be spending a few days with a rag/ballistol/elbow grease next week
    Keep us updated on the 70. I assume there will be a lot of ammo and accessories also since you are buying the collection as a "whole" and the widower probably wants to get rid of everything.

    Just goes to show you though that a collection of 70 or so isn't uncommon. The news media would be calling this an arsenal and accusing this guy as stocking up to supply terrorist.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2022
    Never Never Canyon?s.


    Big supply run to Hanksville Friday,got everything unloaded yesterday finally.......the unloading 55gal barrel’s were definitely a chore but mission accomplished,pizza & PBR beverage consumed afterwards.
    Tidbit;PBR kinda similar to Hamm’s but not exactly & ain’t bad at all! & ain’t no tranny fluid either!......I’m good with that!!
    Cheer’s today.
    Last edited by SDigger; 05-01-2023 at 06:08.

  5. Default

    "tranny fluid"
    I'll have to remember that one.

    We're doing coffee up here now?
    I'll try to remember that too.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'm so used to heading for the basement for my caffeine fix it's become second nature.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    "Tranny fluid", no longer just for transmissions.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Haystack, Nebr.


    Addendum to this thread: more signs of spring here. Like possums are moving around. One crawled under the fence last night and got to meet my possum-hating bloodhound. It took me a while, but I finally found 7 dead wee little possums this morning. Also a sizeable chunk of possum fur from their mom where battle was met.

    Snuffers gets wind of them, she starts acting like she's from Hatey. I don't care much for them, either. SW

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
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    got one that ambles up on the deck looking for cat food,

    when I see them walk on the driveway or yard now and again, they look like an old cripple going about, but the one that gets on the deck seems to be more like a drunk that has to hit every chair leg and table leg as he crosses,

    I was in the kitchen one night and heard what sounded like someone on the deck, flipped the light on and saw nothing, then heard the same from the front porch,
    looked out the side light and saw the possum, and the 2 rockers we have on the front porch out of place,

  9. Default

    Definite signs here.
    We bought 3 small citrus plants a while back, a Lemon, a Navel Orange & a a Key Lime.
    Our original Key lime died horribly outside even though covered a couple of years back, so we brought everything inside this year.
    They looked like hell, not a leaf on the bunch of them after a few months inside.
    Once there were no more frost warnings & put them out hoping for the best, but fearing the worse they looked so bad.
    They're all sprouting leaves & even branches like crazy now!

  10. Default

    The Weather Witch failed to warn us we'd wake up to snow this morning.
    There's talk of replacing her.

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