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Thread: 80 for Brady

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Houston, Texas

    Default 80 for Brady

    I'm going to start off with a disclaimer. There are a bunch of you who will never, ever, watch anything with Jane Fonda in it, yeah I get it.

    My wife really wanted to see this so it was dinner and a movie day for us.

    I didn't expect much but I was very pleasantly surprised. The movie is about the adventures (and misadventures) of four old ladies (Lily Tomlin, Sally Field, Jane Fonda and Rita Moreno) who are die hard Tom Brady/Patriots fans who go to Super Bowl LI in Houston. It is really funny and really touching at the same time. I especially enjoyed Rita Moreno, who is amazingly spry in her 90s, as the octogenarian card shark. There are lots of plot twists, some of which caught me totally by surprise.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Alabama, Gulf Coast Region


    My condolences Art.

    Wives sometimes don't realize what we do for them.

    If you actually enjoyed it then good.

    On a side note, looking at the previews, I will say that Fonda at a distance looked good for her age. I'm sure there's tons of bondo, paint, and past surgeries to make her skin so smooth (at a distance). I think she is 85. All of them are double Brady's age and so I guess having a crush on him is humorous but personally I can only see the real Jane Fonda and resent she was given the part, any part, in the movie industry because of her famous father.

    I would sooner see obama receive a second Nobel Peace Prize.

    Thanks for posting though. Maybe someone else here has a wife wanting to see it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Glad that you and your wife were able to share a nice evening out enjoying dinner and a movie. Sincerely. bruce.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

  4. #4


    Yeah . . . .my wife went to see it.

    She went with a girlfriend . . . .I stayed home and drank a toast to those in The Hanoi Hilton!

    I often wonder how many of those guys that secretly handed her a note while she shook hands . . . .then turned in the notes to the guards . . .are still with us!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Phoenix AZ area
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    Col. Hubert Walker, POW 1968 to1973. I worked for him when he was a LtC in W Ger., 1980 to 1982 at European Communications Command. He was an EWO on an EB-66 when shot down. Came back to a wife that divorced him while POW. Nice man, good boss. Never met socially, so didn't know him that way. I did inadvertantly cause a flashback experience once and I can never forget it. I know he was witness to the aftermath of Fonda's passed note.
    Last edited by PWC; 03-04-2023 at 09:45.

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