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  1. Default Philippine Garands

    This question may have addressed before, but I am an infrequent visitor and may have missed it. Whatever happened to the Philippine garands which were so talked about. From what I read on the ODCMP website, they were apparently in really rough condition. I do notice that ODCMP suddenly has lots of parts and refinished garands for sale. Were they perhaps parted out, or is ODCP still sorting them out?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
    Blog Entries


    Can't say for sure but I think they were sorted out a good bit ago, and some came in from other tropical regions as well,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Houston, Texas


    Just from looking at the CMP site it appears likely that most of the the Philippine rifles are being used for parts to assemble rifles with new barrels and stocks. All grades may exhibit frosting or pitting on the receivers for example. Even some of the rack grades have new stocks and they emphatically say there will be no returns on rack grades.

  4. #4


    Some of the early photos showed really rusted rifles.

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