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  1. Default Introducing myself

    New member.... JCinOK.

    I'm a trivia nut where it comes to firearms history.

    Right off, I have a question that I'm sure will be either answered or debated here.

    "How do you pronounce 'Loewe', the precursors of 'DWM', the makers of the Mauser 1891 rifles ?"

    Many thanks, and I'll try not to be a pest.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
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  3. Default

    Hello JC and welcome to Jouster. As you know I'm a new member here myself. I'll take a guess at your question and say that it is pronounced like "Lowe's" the big chain hardware store without the "s" on the end. I just had my first cup of coffee and that is the best I could come up with! Didn't they also make several variants of small ring Mausers like the M1893, 1894 and 1895?
    Last edited by lpcullen; 08-04-2022 at 06:41.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Newport News, VA


    The W is spoken as a V. Loewe would be pronounced more like Lur Va....

    There was a beer called Loewenbrau...if you went to Octoberfest in Munich and asked for a Low-In-Brau they knew you were American. You had to say Lur-Van-Brau to pretend to be German....

  5. Default

    You learn something new everyday. Cool.

  6. Default

    I knew that Loewe were Jewish and were taken over by the government "DWM".
    So I imagined a Jewish pronunciation of the name maybe being a variation or Germanicisation of "Levy", "Levi", etc.

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