Mark, don't know how honest things are in Canada but the point of the conversation is our media throws out the news they want you to believe and rarely the truth. Some of my comments come from what I see and hear from those I come in contact with. along with my own personal experences.

Side effects as bad as mine surely are rare but what affected me perhaps affects everyone to a much lesser extent and damage may be occurring from it. Who knows?

Though I didn't particularly want to die while all of this was going on it would have been a welcome relief.

As said before, people who get TB, polio and other vaccines don't end up later with the illness and they certainly don't die from it. The same can not be said about this experimenal stuff we have here that is mostly to calm a global panic. In the end we all have the ultimate say and personally I don't need the worst administration in the history of America along with the worlds most corrupt news media trying to tell me what to do with my body. I read recently that Pfizer and the other manufacturers have protection against all lawsuits regarding the covid vaccine. Now why do suppose that is?

For it or against it, I tried it. I won't go through that again.