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Thread: Salute!

  1. #1

    Default Salute!

    Hi all, came across this forum after I was given a Model 1896 KRAG. Trying to learn about its history and such.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    First, congratulations! You did what I should have done way back when! I just bought one a few weeks ago. Mine is s rifle. What is yours? History, etc. click on the options on this site. Also try the CMP site. That will be a good start. For my part, I'm finding out that the good old Springfield Arsenal was like many other similar organizations in other nations trying to figure out how to transition from black powder single shot to smokeless power magazine fed bolt action rifles. Many a slip and slide between the one and the other. Sincerely. bruce.
    " Unlike most conservatives, libs have no problem exploiting dead children and dancing on their graves."

  3. #3


    Thanks Bruce! Mine is still to be determined. It is in a carbine stock, has a 22" barrel (haven't had anyone look to see if it was cut down) but rifle sights and barrel band. Posted in the KRAG thread here, hoping for some insight. I haven't had it a week yet but once I saw what it was, I got a little excited. My brother-in-law gifted it to me as "an old .22 I learned to shoot on, I'm trying to get rid of it, you want it?" I said yes, sight unseen.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
    Blog Entries


    you are in the right place,
    the Krag folks are top notch here!!


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