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Thread: Mask Testing

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by lyman View Post
    lady at the last couple of gunshows I attended was selling mask,
    they basically were made of fishnet, in bright colors,
    Cheesecloth is also excellent!

  2. #12


    Take a room, fill it with some assortment of people who have already had it, have not yet had it, and possibly have it right now and can spread it. Now put masks on everyone of them. The science says that good multi-ply cotton masks make a difference. N95s (without the breathing port) are even better. Each layer of masking knocks some of the virus down, making it harder for one person to get a heavy dose from others. Simply put, it's friction on virus transmission. Anyone ever drive down a long steep mountain jeep trail? With hairpins? When on the verge of losing it, friction can be a real friend, in whatever form available. So brakes, transfer case, watch the speed. Covid is like that mountain road. Wear the damn mask indoors, watch distance and duration. This thing would burn itself out in 3 weeks if only people could wrap their heads around that fact.
    Last edited by togor; 11-02-2020 at 07:09.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    This thing would burn itself out in 3 weeks if only people could wrap their heads around that fact.
    Oh, yeah? In many of the places it's spread like wildfire, everyone DID wear masks--new clean ones of approved design.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    Take a room, fill it with some assortment of people who have already had it, have not yet had it, and possibly have it right now and can spread it. Now put masks on everyone of them. The science says that good multi-ply cotton masks make a difference. N95s (without the breathing port) are even better. Each layer of masking knocks some of the virus down, making it harder for one person to get a heavy dose from others. Simply put, it's friction on virus transmission. Anyone ever drive down a long steep mountain jeep trail? With hairpins? When on the verge of losing it, friction can be a real friend, in whatever form available. So brakes, transfer case, watch the speed. Covid is like that mountain road. Wear the damn mask indoors, watch distance and duration. This thing would burn itself out in 3 weeks if only people could wrap their heads around that fact.
    you mean like Coumo did with the nursing homes in NY?

  5. #15
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    I applaud the article but it appears from my personal experience that no matter how much good information there is about the effectiveness of wearing masks it is an uphill and constant battle to get people to wear them and wear them correctly. I'm a retail manager for a large company. The Governor of Texas mandated the wearing of masks and placed the responsibility of enforcement on the business community. We have signs saying masks must be worn to shop on every door. We have standards in place that requires every employee to wear a mask when in the building, yet every day I have have to tell my some of my people to pull their mask up and ask customer to put one on. Most of the customers that I ask give me excuses and crap and the employees comply and then later on I'm telling them again. There is a leadership problem in my building so thats on us, but even in my own home the wearing of masks is a battle that I've decided I can't win. My wife works for two Doctors who firmly believe that masks don't work, refuse to wear them and don't require their patients to wear one either.
    To Error Is Human To Forgive Is Not SAC Policy

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by clintonhater View Post
    Oh, yeah? In many of the places it's spread like wildfire, everyone DID wear masks--new clean ones of approved design.
    Like the Dakotas? NE Wisconsin? Ever drink a beer through a mask? Neither have they!

    I have a friend whose husband is retired, and a barfly. Milwaukee. They were drinking outside most of the summer, but now that's getting hard. So long as no one brings the virus into the place, it's business as usual. But once it gets in, it gets busy. My friend has her plan, and it involves a finished basement. Actually I know more than a few households now that have gone to the upstairs/downstairs plan.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by togor View Post
    Take a room, fill it with some assortment of people who have already had it, have not yet had it, and possibly have it right now and can spread it. Now put masks on everyone of them. This thing would burn itself out in 3 weeks if only people could wrap their heads around that fact.
    Sure. Great advice from a typical liberal. Tell these people that.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by lyman View Post
    you mean like Coumo did with the nursing homes in NY?
    Exactly, & on top of that, everyone passing through the (locked) front door had to have their temp checked.

    We're back to the Middle Ages, when, knowing nothing about the cause of diseases, people would wear bags of herbs around their necks, or amulets, charms, etc. Masks are the modern day equivalent, but with one major difference--they also signify unquestioning OBEDIENCE, which is imperative in a collectivists' utopia.

  9. Default

    The national media LOVES to promote most everything CDC says (esp. its anti-gun propaganda), but this is one report that will be suppressed as rigorously as BLM rioting stories.

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