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  1. Default

    Go to There is a search line so type in:

    Dr. Sarfaraz Munshi This is the man who authored the video that m1a shooter provided a link to..

    Jonathon Bayuk, m.d.

    Adam J. Story

    Respiratory Therapy Zone

    These are videos primarily about breathing therapy and coping with Covid 19. Good info here. Search the video list pages under each above search for additional info.

  2. Default

    Day 14 With Covid-19: My symptoms and condition continue. A chronic mild headache, mild nasal and upper throat inflammation. Starting at day 7 , my chest/lungs condition worsened though still mild or moderate. A deliberate cough is hoarse and dry. Chest/lungs: Dry, slight pain, hollow, tight feeling, definitely- lungs are not right. A deep breath feels strange.

    I did begin breathing exercises. Easy to do and easy to downplay and skip. Needs to be part of a daily routine.

    I had hoped to be making better progress. I did not expect the worsening of lungs beginning at day 7.

  3. #13


    Has anyone measured your blood O2? Might want to get that done. They will turn you away from Walter Reed but hopefully you can get the local care you deserve.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Dallas, TX metro.. formerly Phoenix metro, AZ


    you can buy an oxygen tester at any pharmacy for about 15 bucks.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Houston Metro


    I purchased a finger oxygen tester along with a thermal thermometer. Handy to have.
    To Error Is Human To Forgive Is Not SAC Policy

  6. Default Day 30 with SARS CoV 2

    Moderate but constant headache til day 20. Day 30: Lungs hurt slightly, feel hollow, tight. When cough deliberately, there is slight hoarseness and slight mucous. Lungs were clear til day 14, then slight roughness in lung passages which became more pronounced, but still slight.

    CDC states that the infected are infectious until day 10 with mild case unless fever ceases on day 10, then add 4 days. If severe case, it is 21 +4 days.

    So, in my case, I am not infectious but have the aftermath of lung damage.

    I have had version 1, and perhaps v2 also ,of pneumonia vaccine. Perhaps, the vaccine has prevented pneumonia. I am still concerned tho as lungs are not right. So, I continue with breathing exercises and will even after recovery.

    edit 10 26 20 , Day 37: Slight lung pain absent. Shallow and deep breathing slightly more normal. Have read that lungs may require 3 to 9 months to heal. Possible for permanent damage which would include scarring, perhaps ( i am guessing) development of tissue masses, loss of lung sacs due to tissue scarring , destruction of tissue, COPD, and ?
    Last edited by SUPERX-M1; 10-26-2020 at 06:01.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by SUPERX-M1 View Post
    Moderate but constant headache til day 20. Day 30: Lungs hurt slightly, feel hollow, tight. When cough deliberately, there is slight hoarseness and slight mucous. Lungs were clear til day 14, then slight roughness in lung passages which became more pronounced, but still slight.

    CDC states that the infected are infectious until day 10 with mild case unless fever ceases on day 10, then add 4 days. If severe case, it is 21 +4 days.

    So, in my case, I am not infectious but have the aftermath of lung damage.

    I have had version 1, and perhaps v2 also ,of pneumonia vaccine. Perhaps, the vaccine has prevented pneumonia. I am still concerned tho as lungs are not right. So, I continue with breathing exercises and will even after recovery.
    Sorry to hear about your difficulties. You are reminding us that this is a serious disease, not to be taken lightly at the individual or community level.

  8. Default

    Sorry about how you feel but we all need to remember ..... we can't trust the likes of Fauci.....

    and Trump got over it in a minute or two... it will all go away ... that's what he said. We all believed him right ?

  9. #19


    Me, being lazy,I've never gotten tested. I think it's kind of a herd thing and I don't like crowds. If I feel like S8888, well then maybe I have it. If I think I might have had it and lived, well then, well enough, why get tested? We had 77K cases this week. Whoa! I still don't have it. Who has the time to tabulate 77K cases? Covid is getting cheap. Factat least what I read)the second wave isn't as potent as the first. Haven't seen that mentioned on the panicky news. I think you need to be alert if there is an alarm raised. That's enough. Oh, and wear your masks. You stupid jackasses who don't, I hope the fleas of a thousand camels fly up your nose(might be close to accurate).
    Last edited by dryheat; 10-25-2020 at 07:07.
    If I should die before I wake...great,a little more sleep.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I’m a cantankerous old 82 year old and I Am in pretty good health thanks to good help from the medical field. If I sound a little
    asinine I apologize. I just don’t get posting a play by play of a sickness or virus ��
    So Mote It Be..

    John in SC
    “Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36)

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