Quote Originally Posted by Sunray View Post
Using a shotgun in combat is a war crime according to the Hague Convention of 1907. It was signed by the U.S. of A. after W.W. II. The Hague Convention is about the rules of Land Warfare. One of which bans the use of weapons that cause unnecessary suffering. Shotguns do that. Read the Hague Regulations, Art. 23, sub-para. (e).
Vietnam does not count as a 'war', even though the participants would correctly, heartily disagree. It was not sanctioned by anybody. Including the U.S Congress.
"...when we invade Quebec..." Other than it's been tried several times, last one during Madison's War, known as the War of 1812, having Quebec would cause ya'll no end of problems. You're welcome to 'em though. Wouldn't advise invading through the Lake Champlain corridor and absolutely not through Ontario.
Give it a rest. Shotguns have been used in war since 1917.
They are still in inventory as COMBAT WEAPONS.