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  1. #1

    Default New Zealand nutty new "gun registration"

    Under the new laws every part to a gun has to be registered... how many buttplate and trigger guard screws do you own in your parts boxes? Clips etc, sights also... you name it.

    The real corker is you have to account exactly for where your gun is. For example if you are going hunting or to a match you have to report where you are staying overnight, where you are hunting, or what range the gun will be on, etc. Its like you have to be on a tracking system 24-7.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Beach Va, not Va Beach
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    guess the next step for them will be to put a RF chip in each firearm, and scan it at several locations (like a Smart Tag for tolls) as you go to the range and back,,,,

  3. #3


    Unfortunately we will probably be very close to what New Zealand has become here in Canada. The progressives have won again and are promising sweeping gun bans and confiscations announced later this month after Trudeau reveals his new cabinet and there is nothing that will stop them under the crap British style government we have.
    The radical climatologists, socialist, communist progressives have demonized gun owners to being worse than pedifiles. Watching what the Democratic Party has become in the USA the only thing stopping the same that has and is happening to the rest of the world is the 2nd and Trump.

  4. Default

    The Liberal/Leftist Police State in Action. Does New Zealand have a Ministry for State Security now ?

  5. #5
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    Sep 2009
    North Carolina


    From the progressive/communist viewpoint, you can never tell when some reactionary tinkerer or mechanic will take a drawer full of gun parts and build a dangerous firearm. It makes sense to ensure that any opposition to your movement is neutered, just to eliminate any troublesome questions concerning your depredations.

  6. #6


    In the first wave of regs they were required to turn in all their AP and tracer.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Griff Murphey View Post
    In the first wave of regs they were required to turn in all their AP and tracer.
    Was that part of the new legislation - or just a "Hey, while we are doing this, let's do this too."?

  8. #8


    The AP and tracer Ammo was prohibited in the first wave of legislation. The gun registration, really more of a detailed gun TRACKING system, is in the second wave. They previously only had to have secure weapons storage and visits by police every few years. The registration stuff was a lot looser and had kind of faded away except for the E category military style semi autos. Now they even have to have their cars inspected to carry a gun, I guess to insure there is a lockable trunk. My friend reports that the attitude of the police is changing and there is beginning to develop a certain amount of unease in it, in which citizens with unblemished records are now being looked at in a suspicious way.
    Last edited by Griff Murphey; 11-03-2019 at 06:02.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    London, Ontario


    New Zealand has gone through this kind of nonsense before and ended up scrapping the whole idea due to its excessive cost.
    Spelling and grammar count!

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