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Thread: Old men

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Dallas, TX metro.. formerly Phoenix metro, AZ


    yep, got the CPAP, been using it religously.
    anybody try that sanitizer they are selling on TV?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Former Cav View Post
    yep, got the CPAP, been using it religously.
    anybody try that sanitizer they are selling on TV?
    I looked up the information about the cleaner and it looked expensive for what you receive.

    I wash my CPAP once a week, with dishwashing detergent like I was told, when I was given the CPAP. The Chinese primary care physician suggested I add a little silver to the water to prevent any growth in the reservoir. I use 3 oz of Colloidal Silver in a gallon of distilled water. I have not had problems using this method.

    I found this article about the CPAP Sanitizers.
    Last edited by gwp; 01-31-2019 at 08:31.

  3. #13
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    Aug 2009


    I've been indisposed for a while and missed this thread. I was put on a CPAP in 1991 when sleep apnea was rarely mentioned. The CPAP absolutely saved my life and possibly others. I was driving 1,000 miles a week in a automobile on the job. I had 3 wrecks in 3 months and the company made me have a physical. The Dr. couldn't find any problems until I told him the wrecks were because I went to sleep at the wheel. He ordered a test and I have been on the CPAP ever since... 37 years.

    In that time there isn't much I haven't tried... But there is one thing for sure and that is I will never use a humidifier again. Those things are a bacteria's dream home. They collect and grow bacteria at an unbelievable rate and cleaning the humidifier once a week doesn't help much. I finally threw the water container away and haven't looked back. Just because you have sleep apnea doesn't mean you need a humidifier any more than other people. Now, all I do is clean my mask and the air filter every couple of weeks

    Try it for a week and you may not miss it at all.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Peeff View Post
    I"ve had kidney stones twice, the pain was unbearable, morphine was the only thing that stopped me from killing myself!
    last one I went to the dr about was painful

    nurse gave me a shot of morphine and told me to lay down

    still felt the stone, (only went to the doc cause the wife made me, they can't do anything for them), and laid across the bed like told,

    it was a long week at work, about 70hrs, and this was Sunday AM, (I had a 10hr day that saturday)

    so, naturally, I was laying there , being quiet, the pain was subsiding (combo of being still and morphine) but still there and I fell asleep,
    nurse woke me,

    I fell asleep again

    nurse woke me, told me not to sleep,,

    pissed me off, I was napping good,,

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, Canada


    This is one of the most depressing discussions that I have ever read here. Unfortunately I am in my 70's and this is partly my present and likely my future

    As they say, old age isn't for sissies

  6. #16
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    Southern Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark in Ottawa View Post
    This is one of the most depressing discussions that I have ever read here. Unfortunately I am in my 70's and this is partly my present and likely my future

    As they say, old age isn't for sissies
    I hope NO ONE'S present/future is cancer. I am going into 18 months remission and I am glad with my present situation of aches and least they are not cancer. Every 90 days blood work/scope to check progress. For all those who are going thru something, at least you able to do something! When I was in treatment I looked forward to being able to walk without assistance, not having to have a pump connected to my chest port, being able to having the ability to drink something cold, to being able to eat. Each morning I wake up hurting when I get out of bed and thankful for whatever the day has in store for me. This time 3 years ago I started down my cancer path scared of the treatment, knowing I had no choice except one.
    I have more now then I did three years ago, a better and warmer truck, a much larger home, you guys to put up with me. Hang in there, it does get better...just depends on how you look at your situation. Remember, your glass is half empty, half full or you want to find the SOB who is drinking out of your glass!

  7. #17
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    CPAP since 2006. Clean weekly with cheap Heintz white vinegar in the tube; block the ends an swish back and forth for awhile. Vinegar to 1/4 full of the bottom of water chamber eats out the hard water scale. Wash mask with soap and water and/or Purell. I customized the cushion to keep from squeezing my nose. Sometimes 3-4 drops in the chamber (just barely smell) at bed time seems to be more restfull sleep.

    Use a cane in the morning to get up and make sure everything is pointing/moving the same direction. Sound like rice krispies (Snap, Crackle, Pop) for awhile.

    No snore; no elbow in the back or ribs. My wife now has one too......Ahhhh, the bliss......

  8. #18


    CPAP, CPAP, what is CPAP?(old star trek qoute). Maybe something about sleep apena. I'm single, If I get it, no one is there to correct it. I'm sixty eight. I can still do a fifty yard dash for about five yards. Maybe, 'cause at six feet tall, I weighed 145 clean up until I was twenty. All I ever wanted was ten more pounds. I sure as heck don't want to get smug about my health. I take blood thinners and advorstatins for colesterol. But I'm not a pill taker. I will do what is sensible to a point but; you get old you get sick and you die. Have a little fun in there. Get off yer ass. Take a walk. Get a dog and take him for a walk, it's just a dog, he might outlive you. I worry about my dog for that reason. I just went down to the river and caught a couple of fish. To make it easier, I had to climb out on a limb and saw off an offending branch. I had to take my sneakers and socks off and roll up my pants legs. The water was cold. Sawing the branch made my arm hurt. I damn near gave up on it half way through. I reconciled that I was out there and not to be a baby(but cold water hurts). I'm going to take my camera and get a great shot of the mtn, loosing that branch will make the picture better, I'll post it. Every journey starts with a single step. Quite smoking, did I mention that?
    Last edited by dryheat; 01-31-2019 at 10:36.
    If I should die before I wake...great,a little more sleep.

  9. #19
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    Well at least we live in the valley where we can walk in water in Jan, many othets can walk on it in Jan.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by S.A. Boggs View Post
    I hope NO ONE'S present/future is cancer. ...
    No cancer. I am looking at a killer stroke some where in time between 2038 and 2048. Ya can't escape genetics. It is living every day as if it is my last until then.
    1."If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things." - Rene Descartes
    2. "The Right to Buy Weapons is the Right to be Free" From The Weapon Shop by A. E. van Vogt

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